10 Hybrid Chicken Breeds

Like other domesticated animals, including cats, cows, and dogs, chickens come in many breeds.

Chickens breeders have been producing these chickens through selective breeding to ensure they get chickens that can produce specific traits.

Hybrid chickens result from crossbreeding pure breeds such as Leghorns, Rhode Islands, and Light Sussex to have breeds suited for particular purposes, such as meat production or egg production.

Here are the top ten hybrid chicken breeds suitable for egg or meat production.

1. ISA Brown

The ISA is a crossbreed of chickens that have sex-linked coloration. ISA Browns are due to crossbreeding Rhode Island Whites and Rhode Island Reds. These chickens also contain genes from several breeds.

ISA Brown chickens are medium-sized birds with rectangular bodies and slight dips to their backs. These chickens have upright tails, with some having white feathers on their tails. Their combs and tails are all red.

ISA Brown chickens have upright and single combs. Their eyes can either be bay red or yellow. ISA Browns are medium-sized chickens weighing approximately six pounds for males and five pounds for females.

People usually raise these chickens for egg production because they can produce between 300 and 350 eggs yearly. Hens are non-broody and suitable for chicken raisers seeking a consistent supply of fresh brown eggs.

Although ISA Brown chickens are somewhat lightweight, these birds still produce a decent quantity of meat. Unfortunately, ISA Brown chickens have a remarkably shorter lifespan. These chickens can only live for between three and four years.

However, their temperament is why many chicken raisers keep these birds. ISA Browns are docile and super friendly. Because these chickens are non-aggressive, they make great backyard pets.

Furthermore, ISA Browns are approachable and affectionate, making them suitable for households with kids.

2. Lohmann Brown

Lohmann Brown is a chicken breed that chicken raisers keep specifically for egg production. The breed is a crossbreed of White Rocks and Rhode Islands.

Most Lohmann Browns have white feathers around their necks and brown/ caramel shade feathers. These chickens also have white feathers at their tail tip feathers. Most Lohmann browns have a dense orange-brown plumage with cream highlights.

These chickens have typical combs, long necks, and remarkably short tail feathers. Lohmann Brown hens are excellent layers. They start laying as early as 14 weeks old. They can lay between 290 and 300 large brown eggs annually.

Lohmann Brown chickens are medium-sized birds weighing around 4 kg for roosters and 3 kg for hens. Thus, these chickens aren’t terrific meat producers, although they have excellent flavored meat.

Lohmann Browns are sweet, calm, and docile birds. It’s easy to hand-tame these chickens since they tolerate human handling. They aren’t flighty but confident, making them wonderful backyard birds.

3. Leghorn Chicken

The Leghorn chicken is a beautifully proportioned chicken with a well-designed and sleek body. This chicken has distinct white earlobes.

Leghorns also have bright yellow beaks, yellow legs, and yellow skins. These chickens have four bright toes and orange-red eyes.

Leghorns are proficient layers since Leghorn hens can lay between 280 and 320 eggs annually.

Simply put, these chickens are egg dynamos. As much as these chickens are good layers, they could be better meat producers because they are lightweight birds. Leghorn chickens weigh around 3.4kg for roosters and 2.5 kg for adult hens.

Leghorns are friendly and exhibit a calm disposition. These chickens are excellent foragers, and they like moving around. They can meet many of their nutritional needs from ranging barnyards and fields.

These chickens can be highly flighty and consequently prefer roosting in trees. Although Leghorns mature pretty quickly, these birds have short lifespans.

Most Leghorns live for about six years, although some chickens can live for over eight years with good care.

4. Jersey Giant

The Jersey Giant is among the largest chicken breeds on the planet. The giant chicken is friendly, mellow, and docile.

While most folks keep Jersey Giants for eggs and meat, these chickens can make beautiful pets, thanks to their social nature. Male Jersey Giants weigh approximately 13 pounds, while females weigh around 10 pounds.

Some Jersey Giants, particularly those of the black variety, weigh over 15 pounds. Jersey giants lay between 150 and 260 extra-large size eggs per year.

They are lovely chickens to keep for meat because they produce massive quantities of meat.

5. Easter Egger

The Easter Egger isn’t a true chicken breed but a crossbreed between different species. Because Easter Eggers aren’t an official chicken breed, these birds can vary significantly regarding their appearances.

Easter Eggers have different comb sizes, tails, and nails. The eggs from these hybrid chickens can be blue, cream, olive, light, pink, or cream. Easter eggers are medium-sized chickens, with males weighing about seven lb. and females weighing around 5.5 lb.

Easter Eggers are magnificent layers, with mature hens laying about 200 eggs yearly. However, Easter Eggers are petite birds and not suitable for meat production. These hybrid chickens are pretty hardy and can live for around eight years.

Easter Egger chickens are quite friendly, making them a popular choice for people keeping chickens in coops or backyard farms.

6. Marans Chicken

The Marans chicken is another favorite hybrid breed for people looking for a proficient egg-laying breed. Marans have blue copper, splash, or blue plumage.

These chickens have orange eyes, pink shanks, and white legs. Roosters weigh around 8.5 lb., and hens weigh approximately 6.6 lb. Marans are incredibly hardy and fast-growing. They are quiet and docile, although roosters usually confront other roosters.

Marans lay between 150 and 200 brown eggs yearly. Their meat is also fantastic and flavorful. Marans can live for eight years or more, depending on the care they receive from their keepers.

7. Sussex Chicken

The Sussex chicken is a popular hybrid chicken breed that originates from Britain. The dual-purpose breed is excellent for meat and eggs. Sussex chickens are graceful, and they have long, flat backs and broad bodies.

Furthermore, Sussex chickens have straight and long breastbones. They have broad shoulders and rectangular builds. Darker varieties of Sussex chickens have red eyes, although the orange varieties have light red eyes.

Sussex chickens are large birds, making them suitable for the table. The average Sussex rooster weighs around 4.5 kg, while the female weighs approximately 3.5 kg. Bantam Sussex chickens weigh 1.5 kg for males and 1.1 kg for females.

Being dual-purpose chickens, Sussex chickens can lay many eggs annually. Hens from this hybrid chicken breed can lay around 200 eggs yearly. Sussex hens are slightly broody, although they make excellent mothers.

Sussex chickens are confident, docile, and friendly birds. These birds love foraging, and they are excellent foragers.

Moreover, Sussex chickens are hardy birds, with most of these chickens living for over eight years.

8. Dorking Chicken

The Dorking chicken is a hybrid chicken breed that originates from Britain. It gets its name from England’s town of Dorking. Wide Dorking varieties have been existing for centuries.

Dorking chickens are hybrid chickens that result from crossbreeding various local Dorking birds with other breeds. Dorkings have long backs and ample breasts, which they carry in a horizontal and low stance.

These chickens have rectangular bodies and short legs. They have large combs, which require protection from frostbite, especially in the winter.

Overall, Dorking chickens are large birds with a palpable massive appearance. Unlike the standard chickens, these birds have five toes on every foot.

There are several varieties of Dorking chickens, the oldest variety has a red plumage, and it’s usually smaller than the standard Dorking variety.

Male Dorkings have black breasts, tails, and wings. They also have red saddles and hackles. Hens have rich-brown and reddish plumage. Dorking hens also have black and gold feathers. Dorking hens can lay around 200 eggs yearly.

Dorkings are also terrific table birds for their meat is tasty and protein-rich. Males weigh approximately 12 pounds, and females weigh about 9 pounds.

Dorking chickens are tolerant, calm, and friendly. They can live between five and eight years.

9. Speckled Chicken

The Speckled chicken is a favorite hybrid chicken breed with its origin in England. Speckled chickens have stunning feather patterns.

The base color of their plumage is dark and rich mahogany. These chickens have bright red earlobes, combs, and wattles. These birds have white feet, skins, and legs. They have short and stout legs with muscular thighs.

Their bodies are broad and flat, and they also have deep chests. Speckled chickens have an even temperament. These chickens are docile, calm, and friendly. Speckled chickens weigh around nine pounds for roosters and seven pounds for females.

Speckled hens lay between 180 and 240 eggs yearly. They have large, light brown, and smooth eggs. Hens can lay through the wintertime, and they are rarely broody.

Speckled chickens are also great for meat, although they don’t produce large quantities of meat compared to other meat breeds, such as Jersey Giants.

10. Broiler Chicken

The broiler chicken is a hybrid breed that chicken raisers keep for meat. Broiler chickens have yellowish skins and white feathers.

Broilers are suitable for meat production rather than for egg production. Broiler chickens grow pretty quickly compared to other hybrid breeds.

These chickens can weigh over 2 kg at four weeks old. An adult broiler rooster can weigh around 12 lb., while an adult female can lay approximately 10 lb.

Female broilers can lay between 130 and 150 eggs yearly, although they will cease laying as they age. Overall, broilers are excellent for meat. Broilers have a docile and friendly temperament.

They thrive in confinement, and they aren’t good at foraging. Broilers have a shorter lifespan than most hybrid chickens.

Broilers can only live for three years on average. They are also not as hardy as other breeds.


Hybrid chickens are becoming popular among poultry raisers each year. Some farmers raise hybrid chickens for eggs, while others raise them for meat.

Either way, you can get a hybrid chicken breed suitable for your needs. Whether you are contemplating raising hybrid chickens for meat or eggs, you will ultimately get a hybrid breed that fits your needs.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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