How Much Do Rhode Island Chickens Cost?

As with all things in the world, if something is rare, it will be more valuable. Rhode Island Reds are among the oldest varieties of chicken and best known dual-purpose breed.

These birds are hearty, beautiful, have a calm disposition, and make great pets for children. For these reasons, most Rhode Island Red breeders market their chicks at a pretty hefty price point.

However, a high price tag doesn’t guarantee that they’ll lay high-quality eggs or give you the best meat. Instead, do some research about what to look out for before making the final decision.

This article will take you through the average price range depending on the age and sex of your chick and how to avoid running into losses in the process.

Average Price of Rhode Island Chicks

The price of the Rhode Island Roosters will depend on various factors. For instance, size and age play a role in determining the final cost. Rhode Island hens grow quickly. Thus, older birds are more expensive than younger ones.

In addition, the chick’s ancestry also affects the price. A bird with an illustrious pedigree will generally fetch a higher price than one without it, even if the two chicks have the same physical characteristics.

On average, you can pay as low as $2 for day-old Rhode Island chicks to more than $60 for laying hens and heavy-built roosters.

Rhode Island Red Hen Price

You can buy a Rhode Island Red Hen from $4-6 dollars per pound. Remember that sources charge different prices for various reasons. For instance, hatcheries try to make money on shipping costs when they can.

Likewise, large stores usually have much lower prices because they sell in huge volumes. All in all, laying hens start from $16 for a pullet and increase depending on color, age, and pedigree.

Rhode Island Red Rooster Price

Depending on location and time, prices will vary but expect to pay at least $10-$15 for an adult rooster per pound. At most poultry show events, they are sold for about $15-$20 per pound.

The price usually includes the shipping costs. Therefore, the extra fee will not be charged if an individual purchases a cockerel online or from different hatchery stores across the United States.

It is prudent to get more than one or two because they are cheaper per head if you purchase them in bulk. The more you pay, most likely, the better quality and healthiness of your hen.

Where to Buy Rhode Island Red Chicks?

It would be best that you buy chicks from a reliable hatchery. This is because they are already healthy and strong. The price may vary depending on the size and age of the chicken you want to purchase. You can compare prices from different sources online or stores nearby.

Most importantly, check if they have an NPIP certificate or not. This is to ensure that they are healthy and clean from diseases when you purchase them. The best time to buy Rhode Island Red chickens is when they are still small at around 5-7 weeks old.

If you purchase these chicks directly from a hatchery, the price would be about $2 to $5 per chick. Remember that this is the price of a single chicken and not a whole bunch.

Where to Sell Rhode Island Red Chicken?

Sometimes farmers give up caring for their chickens when they reach a certain age and health conditions. Also, it could be either due to a financial issue or other commitments.

You can also sell some of your Rhode Island roosters to replace the old ones that are already getting weak and sickly on your farm. This will help you get a steady supply of healthy Rhode Island Red chicken without incurring medical costs on weak breeds.

Consider selling the chicken raised for meat at the nearest local market or butcher. Bear in mind that the price depends on the meat quality and size.  Also, you can try selling them to other farmers for mating purposes.

Some pet Stores might buy one or two chickens but not more than three since they mostly don’t have space for keeping many animals. However, if you want to get rid of your birds, this would be a good option.

If you do not want to lose your beloved birds in hatcheries, give them away for free as long as the new owner takes good care of them.

How Much Does it Cost to Raise Rhode Island Reds?

The estimated cost to raise Rhode Island Reds is around $ 1.75 per chicken. However, there are endless factors that can affect your budget and expenses almost every month. Here are some factors you can consider to avoid running into losses.

  1. Allow them to scavenge worms and insects around. That way, you can save a considerable chunk of money on food as your birds get healthy nutrients naturally. Ensure to install an automatic door system to prevent them from getting out of the yard and invading someone else’s property.
  2. Once a day, provide a treat to maintain a healthy weight gain. However, if the chicken gets bigger than the average size, stop giving the treats because it can be disastrous to their health. The same goes with food intake; make sure they are not getting too much of it due to serious health issues later.
  3. Keep the coop clean from droppings, old food, and leftovers to avoid bacterial buildup inside the co-op.
  4. Always make sure that water is available at all times regardless if you have put an automatic system inside your coop or you need to change the water container every day before letting them drink from it.
  5. Save money by looking for discounts, freebies, or even cheaper ways to get supplies, such as cages, food, and others from online platforms. Take advantage of previous customer’s reviews to get value for money.

Wrap Up

In Conclusion, we can say that the final price depends on the size of your Rhode Island Red Rooster, its age, health condition, and pedigree. Above all, take good care of your birds because they grow up fast and you can minimize the costs.

You can achieve this by placing them in a clean environment and offering nutritious meals. Additionally, set a proper schedule to feed them, clean the enclosure and give medications for better growth.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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