What to Feed Baby Geese?

Baby geese or goslings need plenty of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients to keep them growing healthy and strong. Goslings can eat the same foods that baby chicks eat. They can eat chick feed and thrive because it is rich in protein, which can help support rapid growth.

The best starter feed for goslings should be non-medicated because medicated feed can be counterproductive to your goslings. Ducklings can also thrive on veggies, seeds, and fresh grains.

What Foods do Baby Geese Eat?

Baby geese prefer eating wet food. You can sprinkle their feed with fresh water. They can also eat bugs, grains, and fresh greens. They can also thrive on a diet consisting of clovers and grass. Domesticated baby geese can consume chickweed. Wild baby geese can consume a variety of grassy pastures since they are abundant grassy pastures in the wild.

Feeding Newly Hatched Goslings

Newly hatched baby geese can’t eat some of the food items you provide to adult geese. They require a special diet to boost their growth. Introducing the right foods to your newly hatched goslings can support their development, especially in the first stages of their life. Below are some great foods to introduce to your newly hatched goslings.

  • Fresh starter feed– Your newly hatched goslings should consume starter feed, particularly in their first couple days of life. However, a starter feed can be somewhat tough for your goslings. Moisten the feed with some water to make it soft for your goslings to eat. A dry feed can make the goslings suffer from constipation. Ensure the starter feed you give to your baby geese is fresh. Furthermore, discard any leftover feeds to ensure it doesn’t become sour, ultimately making the ducklings suffer from digestive complications.
  • Grass-Grass is among the best natural foods for newly hatched goslings. Besides keeping your goslings healthy, grass can also help you make significant savings on feed. You can let the goslings outside to eat some fresh grass in your yard. However, keep an eye on the little birds because they are susceptible to predators. Also, ensure the grass isn’t too tall and hard for the goslings. Cut the grass into smaller portions before feeding it to the goslings. However, don’t let the goslings consume a lot of grass because grass contains plenty of water that can potentially make the baby geese have diarrhea. Mix the grass with other food items to make a healthy meal for the goslings.
  • Grains– Small grains like wheat, rice, and barley make perfect early food for newly hatched goslings. Grains like corn aren’t good for baby geese. Although corn is rich in fiber, it has plenty of calories that will make your goslings overweight.
  • Seeds-Seeds like sunflower seeds are great meal options for newly hatched baby geese. Grains will give your goslings loads of minerals and nutrients, helping them grow fast in their initial growth phases. Grains are easier for goslings to eat, although larger grains can choke your newly hatched goslings. Try giving tiny grains to prevent your goslings from choking. You can provide the little birds with some grains directly or mix the grains with regular feed.
  • Bugs and worms-Bugs and worms are suitable for baby geese because they provide these tiny birds with significant amounts of protein. Allow the baby geese outside to help them dine on worms and bugs. You can also get frozen bugs from the stores if you can’t catch live bugs for your baby geese. Like grains, you can feed your goslings with bugs and worms directly. Alternatively, you can combine the bugs with other food items to give your goslings the vital nutritional requirements they need in the first weeks of their life.
  • Vegetables– Vegetables also make perfect foods for baby geese. Vegetables are an abundant source of vitamins for all domestic birds, including geese and their goslings. You can toss some vegetables in your yard for your free-range baby cheese to peck at the vegetables. Alternatively, you can cut the vegetables into smaller portions and mix them with feed rather than giving the vegetables directly to the goslings. Good vegetables for your baby geese include lettuce, spinach, and dandelions. Goslings can eat various vegetables right from the first days of their life.

Can Baby Geese Eat Chick Starters?

Yes, baby geese can eat chick starter because it’s healthy and rich in a wide array of nutrients and minerals. However, the best chick starter for baby geese should be non-medicated. The additives in medicated chick starters can be hazardous to young goslings.

What Veggies Can Baby Geese Eat?

Baby geese aren’t picky when it gets to consuming veggies. These tiny birds can eat various vegetables. Below are some excellent veggies for goslings.

  • Lettuce greens– Goslings are particularly fond of lettuce greens. No wonder these tiny birds will forage for veggies in your garden if you don’t monitor their movements. Your goslings can feed on romaine alongside other lettuce greens. Kale is also perfect for goslings. However, spinach can be toxic to your goslings because of the oxalic acid in these vegetables.
  • Dandelions– These are some of the favorite veggies for baby geese. Although goslings love the green in these vegetables, they usually like them because of their flowers. No wonder goslings will peck at the dandelion flowers in your garden once these flowers start to shoot. Dandelions are overly healthy snacks for baby geese.
  • Broccoli– Broccoli is a tender vegetable for goslings. It is also full of potassium and vitamins, vital for newly hatched baby geese. Broccoli works as a disinfectant for goslings. This vegetable can also help in combating winter illnesses.
  • Celery– This vegetable is excellent for baby geese. It packs plenty of nutrients and minerals, making the vegetable suitable for newly hatched goslings. However, celery can be pretty fibrous, and you shouldn’t feed it excessively to your baby geese. Celery pairs well with feed and a variety of garden food items.
  • Pumpkins– Pumpkins are great vegetables for newly hatched baby geese, whether cooked or raw. Pumpkins are full of healthy seeds and flesh. Pumpkin seeds are a natural dewormer for baby geese. These vegetables are a suitable source of vitamins for adult geese and goslings in winter. In addition to having plenty of vitamins and protein, pumpkins are ideal for newly hatched goslings because the protein in this vegetable helps boost feather growth.
  • Kale- Kale is also among the softest vegetables for goslings. This dark leafy vegetable is a great source of crucial nutrients for newly hatched goslings. Kale has plenty of vitamin C, which helps protect goslings from ailments they are likely to suffer during the first days of hatching.
  • Cabbage– This is the perfect vegetable to encourage your newly hatched goslings to learn how to peck at food items. Cabbage is also a wonderful source of vitamins when you don’t have summer veggies to feed your goslings.

How Often Should You Feed Baby Geese?

Goslings eat a lot, and they should eat thrice a day. Consider replacing your baby geese’s feed at least thrice a day. Ensure your baby geese have fresh water because they also need plenty of fluid, particularly in hot weather.

What Foods to Avoid Feeding to Baby Geese?

Not every food item is suitable for goslings. Some junk foods we consume, for instance, can harm your goslings. Foods such as popcorn, crackers, and bread aren’t nutritious for baby geese.

Fast foods, such as chips, have plenty of artificial sugars, fats, and salts, making goslings susceptible to diseases and weight gain. Stale food is especially toxic to baby geese. Any food item that isn’t nutritious isn’t ideal for goslings.


Baby geese are hardy and easier to care for than baby chicks. Goslings grow pretty fast if they get adequate nutrition. Knowing what to feed your baby geese will help your ducklings grow quickly and healthily. Moreover, providing your goslings with nutritious foods will support their growth in adulthood and during their first couple of weeks upon hatching.

Most importantly, keep away toxic foods and food items with little nutritional content from your baby geese.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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