Why do Baby Chicks Chirp So Loud?

Chirping is common in newly hatched baby chicks. Although your baby chicks’ chirping and fuzziness might seem adorable at first, chirping becomes a concern when it is nonstop. Several reasons can make your baby chicks chirp so loud. For instance, chirping may indicate that your baby chicks could be too cold, or they could be in distress.

7 Reasons Baby Chicks Chirp So Much and Loud

Chirping is a perfectly normal behavior in baby chicks. However, chirping is an issue of concern when baby chicks start chirping so much and are pretty loud.

Your little birds could be chirping so much due to several reasons. Check these top seven reasons below why your baby chicks are chirping so much and loud.

1. Chicks are Cold

When your baby chicks start chirping so much and loudly, there are good chances your birds are cold. Baby chicks chirp when they are cold to voice their discomfort. If they are chirping while huddling together, it is apparent that the temperature in their brooder box or their enclosure is way too cold.

Chicks have light feather coats, and thus they can’t withstand cold, like adult chickens with fully developed feathers. Ideally, newly hatched baby chicks should live in an environment of 37.5 degrees Celsius to make them feel warm and comfortable.

It is vital to ensure your baby chicks can maintain a warm body temperature to stop the annoying, loud chirping due to cold. Keeping your chicks warm is also critical for preventing your tiny birds from succumbing to illnesses since cold is fatal to baby chicks, mainly newly hatched baby chicks.

The key to keeping your chicks warm and stopping them from chirping non stop is using artificial lighting. Place two heat lamps in your chicks’ brooder box to provide your chicks with a consistent heat source. However, keep any flammable materials away from the heat lamps.

2. Chicks are Thirsty

Thirst and hunger can make your chicks chirp so much and loud. Although baby chicks seldom drink water a couple of hours after hatching, water is vital for these tiny birds. If your newly hatched chicks are chirping so loudly hours after hatching, they could be thirsty, and they risk getting dehydrated.

Some clear signs of dehydration in baby chicks include panting, fluffiness, and opening and closing of wings. Other symptoms of dehydration in baby chicks include breathing problems and paleness.

Ensure your baby chicks have access to water, especially during the hot weather when chicks become thirsty quickly. Place the container you are using to water your baby chicks above the coop floor to prevent your chicks from drowning in the container.

Your chicks won’t contaminate the water with their droppings if you place the water container above the coop floor. Providing your chicks with a reliable water source will not only stop the chicks from chirping due to thirst, but it will also prevent your chicks from succumbing to diseases that make the chicks chirp desperately.

3. Chicks are Hungry

Like thirst, hunger can also make your baby chicks chirp so much and loud. When your baby chicks start chirping, likely, these tiny birds are already hungry. Chirping is a clear sign of starving baby chicks.

Before succumbing to hunger, your baby chicks will chirp loudly to let you know they direly need something to eat. Hunger pangs will also make your baby chicks start chirping loudly at night.

While chicken owners assume that baby chicks don’t need to eat frequently, the reality is that baby chicks need to eat right after hatching. Broiler chicks, for instance, consume larger quantities of food than chicks from other chicken species. These chicks will chirp annoyingly if they lack a consistent food supply to keep their stomachs full.

Get a healthy starter feed or finely ground food for your baby chicks if you suspect they are chirping because of hunger. The feed should have minerals and nutrients your baby chicks need to grow healthy. Ensure your baby chicks have food at their disposal all the time to save your birds from bouts of hunger pangs that make them chirp so loud.

However, dispose of feed leftovers before feeding your baby chicks with fresh feed. Feed leftovers carry bacteria and fungi, contaminating the feed making your baby chicks susceptible to illnesses. Besides disposing of feed leftovers, keep your baby chicks’ food free of droppings, debris, and dirt since the three can be detrimental to your chicks’ health over time.

4. Chicks are Scared

Chicks are fragile and timid, particularly when in their first phases of life. Some incidents such as losing a mother hen, predators, and bullying can scare baby chicks, prompting them to chirp loudly. If your chicks are scared because of losing their mother or being isolated from their mother, for instance, you will hear them chirping frantically as a way of calling their mother.

Even at an early age, baby chicks are aware of predators’ danger to them. If your baby chicks detect the presence of a predator around them, you will hear them chirping loudly to alert you about the presence of the predator.

The chicks will continue chirping non stop until you come to their rescue or until the predator goes away. Therefore, chirping can be a life-preserving technique for baby chicks. One of your baby chicks may chirp loudly if it hurts itself, but it will stop after you rescue it from danger.

5. Chicks are Sick

Sickness can make your baby chicks chirp loudly as they communicate their pain and discomfort to their owners. For instance, coccidiosis, which is a leading killer of baby chicks, can make your chicks chirp so much and loud.

When this disease finds its way to your chicks’ intestinal tract, it damages the tract, prompting them to undergo severe pain. It is this pain that will make your baby chicks chirp as they seek your intervention.

If you hear your chicks chirping so loud, and yet they don’t appear cold, thirsty, or hungry, then they could be having a deadly disease that is causing pain and discomfort. Check whether their droppings have blood spots to determine whether your birds are chirping due to coccidiosis.

If there are blood spots on the droppings, ensure your chicks get treatment promptly before they lose their lives to the deadly disease.

The other painful condition that makes chicks chirp loudly is pasting bottom. This condition usually blocks the chicks’ vent area, hindering them from excreting their waste effectively. Chicks will chirp in distress when their excretory system is blocked.

Pasty butt can lead to severe sickness and eventual death if untreated. Check whether your chicks have a pasting bottom if they have been chirping loudly of late.

6. Chicks Communicate

Chicks communicate by chirping, especially with their mothers. When you hear your baby chicks chirping loudly, it isn’t necessarily because they are sick, thirsty, scared, or hungry. At times, your chicks could be communicating with each other or their mothers.

Lost chicks communicate with their mothers through chirping. When the mothers pick their chirping, they will ultimately come to rescue their chicks. Hens usually get the attention of their baby chicks by clucking.

The chicks respond to their mothers through chirping. Free-range chicks usually chirp to let their mothers know they are hungry or thirsty.

7. Chicks are Happy

Chicks will chirp even when they have almost everything they want at their disposal due to happiness. This chirping is, however, less insistent and much quieter.

If you listen carefully to their chirping, in this case, you will realize that chirping lacks distress or urgency in the vocalizations. Such happy chirps show that your baby chicks are pretty okay.

When do Baby Chicks Stop Chirping?

Baby chicks won’t chirp for the rest of their lives. These little birds will stop chirping at around 3 to 4 months.


Baby chips tend to chirp, especially while communicating with their mothers and amongst themselves. Nonetheless, chirping in baby chicks becomes a crucial issue when the chicks start to chirp so much and loud.

It helps to understand why your baby chicks are chirping so loud. If they are chirping loudly because of the cold, strive to keep them warm. Similarly, have your chicks treated if they are chirping loudly because of diseases.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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