What is Chicken Coop? The Ultimate Guide

A chicken coop, also known as a chicken cage, an enclosure, or a pen, is an enclosed structure or area where chicken farmers keep their birds. It’s a protective enclosed area for your chickens to sleep, lay eggs, and rest.

chicken coop

It would help if you had a coop when raising chickens, regardless of whether you raise your birds indoors or free-range. Types of chicken coops include traditional, mobile DIY, and modern ones.

Types of Chicken Coops

Knowing the different types of coops is vital whether you are raising a small or a large flock.

Here are the types of chicken coops everyone raising chickens should know to help them decide the best coop for their flock.

Traditional Chicken Coops

Traditional chicken coops come from a design inspired by the creation of a poultry store, Tarter Farm & Ranch Equipment, dating back to 1895. The design of a traditional coop comprises a wooden structure, almost similar to a barn in appearance.

Traditional chicken coops come with enclosed foot roosts and nesting boxes. These coops are small, so they can only accommodate 4 to 6 chickens. Conventional cages have doors to keep chickens inside.

Furthermore, they have a ladder to allow chickens to enter inside quickly. While a traditional coop may be more complex to assemble and costly than other coops, the structure gives your chicken plenty of room.

It’s also more secure than other chicken coops. Traditional coops also don’t take up plenty of space, so they are ideal for chicken raisers with small lawns.

Modern Chicken Coops

Modern chicken coops feature modern designs, unlike their traditional counterparts. A modern chicken coop doesn’t only provide security and comfort to your flock, but it also boasts a remarkable aesthetic appeal. Modern chicken coops come with designs and features that rival modern houses.

For instance, these coops have fabulous interiors, custom-built perches, and expansive runs. They have fantastic paintings to make them look more appealing. Automatic doors are a common addition to modern chicken coops.

Most modern urban coops have swings to ensure chickens have fun while swinging inside the coop back and forth. Most modern coops can accommodate large flocks, although some are ideal for smaller ones.

Mobile Chicken Coops

Mobile chicken coops are easy to move around, so you can place your portable pen wherever you want. These coops are also versatile and can be helpful for your lawn.

Furthermore, they are effortless to maintain and clean, which is crucial for your flock’s health. A mobile coop is an excellent choice for small free-range flocks because you can move your chickens to any spot.

Portable coops come from different materials and usually have wheels and skids to enable easy movement. You can move your mobile chicken coop all over your lawn, allowing you to aerate and fertilize the lawn.

A mobile chicken coop will provide your chickens with a conducive semi-free range environment without the birds destroying your flower and vegetable gardens.

DIY Chicken Coops

DIY chicken coops are coops that farmers build themselves using designs and materials. The idea of setting up a DIY coop is that you can customize it to suit your flock’s needs.

For instance, you can customize your coop to accommodate the number of chickens you intend to raise. DIY coops also come in many sizes and designs. Some DIY coops could be in the form of poultry sheds or portable coops.

DIY coops are also cheaper than pre-built coops since you can use the most inexpensive materials to build a DIY coop for your birds.

You also decided where to install the windows on the coop to provide the flock with natural sunlight.

Most importantly, you can use a basic design to make your DIY coop. For instance, you can build a cage with an enclosed design, several roosts, feeders/waterers, and nesting boxes. Furthermore, you can determine the type of run to install in the front of the coop.

Key Features of a Good Chicken Coop

One of the crucial decisions to make when raising chickens is where to house your chickens.

While the choice of coop designs can vary from one chicken raiser to the other, there are some key features of a chicken coop to consider when choosing a coop for your flock.

When raising your flock, these are vital features of a good chicken coop.

Size and Space Requirements

A good chicken coop should be large enough for your chickens. Chicken vary in size depending on the breed. For instance, some chickens, such as Jersey Giants and

Australorps, are massive, so they need a larger coop than the standard chickens. Such giant chickens will require a coop that provides each bird with a minimum of 4 square feet of space. Silkies and other bantam chickens don’t need a large coop.

These miniature chickens can live comfortably in a coop that provides them with at least 2 square feet of space. The size of your flock should also determine how big your coop should be.

Those with large flocks, for instance, should have a large coop for their flocks. Chicken raisers with relatively smaller flocks can raise their chickens comfortably in a standard coop. Most chicken health problems, including cannibalism and egg-eating, stems from coop space issues.

You can save yourself such problems by ensuring your birds have sufficient room to move around and flex their wings.

Ventilation and Lighting

A chicken coop that doesn’t have proper ventilation can be a haven for many poultry problems. For instance, an improperly ventilated coop can encourage a hazardous buildup of toxic gasses and also bring foul odors inside the coop.

Furthermore, a chicken coop that doesn’t have good ventilation can subject your flock to heat stroke during summertime. So, your coop should have proper ventilation to ensure your flock enjoys fresh air.

Install vents in the coop to eliminate contaminated air from the roof’s top without making the cage feel too drafty. The best place to install the vents to ensure proper ventilation should be close to the coop’s top.

Lighting is equally as crucial as good ventilation. Chickens need light to help them synthesize vitamin D, which is imperative for chickens’ bone development and egg production.

Furthermore, lighting triggers hens to lay constantly, explaining why hens will have a poor egg production cycle during winter due to the lack of enough daylight hours. Consequently, the coop you intend to house your birds in should have good lighting.

You can install some windows to ensure light gets into the coop. Or, have some artificial lighting in the coop to ensure the flock gets enough exposure to quality lighting, particularly during the dark and cold winter months.

Protection from the Elements

While we all know chickens can be pretty hardy, these birds can barely withstand harsh elements like cold, heat, storms, and winds, unlike other domestic creatures.

The choice of the coop you pick for the flock should help protect your birds from such elements. For instance, the coop should have proper ventilation to protect the birds from scorching summers and cold winters.

Insulating the coop will keep the flock comfortable and help you reduce heating costs once the temperatures drop. A good coop should have a roof to keep rain and snow from your flock. For instance, a sloping roof will encourage snow to go down the roof instead of entering the coop.

The coop should also have lockable windows to protect the chickens from strong windstorms. Kindly ensure the roof doesn’t have holes since it will let in rainwater during rainstorms, making the chickens and coop bedding wet.

Security from Predators

Ideally, the primary objective of having a chicken coop is to protect the flock from predators, especially at night time when there are so many predators roaming your property. Even if you have a fancy coop, it will only be effective if it keeps marauding predators away from your flock. Predators like raccoons, foxes, opossums, and coyotes will constantly prey on your flock.

Among the most important things you can do while choosing a coop for your flock is to choose a coop that won’t make the birds vulnerable to predators. For instance, the materials you pick for constructing your DIY coop need to be sturdy.

Inspect every part of the coop before buying a prebuilt coop to ensure you don’t house your chickens in a flimsy cage where they will be susceptible to predators. The coop should have a hardware cloth for the run instead of the run having a chicken wire that predators can easily tear through and access your flock.

Hardware cloth is much stronger than chicken wire, and it’s easy to hold in place with sturdy wire staples, providing excellent resistance even to the most ferocious predators.

Cover every opening on the coop, including those tiny spots that are potential predators’ entrance points. Run the hardware cloth around the coop’s perimeter to deter digging predators.

Ensure the coop’s door is sturdy enough to prevent determined predators like raccoons from opening the door.

Accessibility for Cleaning and Maintenance

No matter the choice and design of the chicken coop, you must ensure the coop is easy to maintain and clean. Regular coop cleaning and maintenance is part of raising a healthy and happy flock.

A good coop should be easy to clean. For instance, the coop design should allow you to quickly get in the coop for cleaning. The coop must be tall enough so that you can walk inside whenever you want to clean or do some maintenance to keep the coop in good shape.

If the coop is small, you will have issues cleaning it properly, especially at the corners and those hard-to-reach areas.

Considerations when Choosing a Chicken Coop

Choosing a chicken coop may sound easy since you have numerous options for housing your birds.

However, picking the best coop for your birds can be more complicated, particularly for inexperienced or first-time chicken raisers that don’t know the considerations they should make when selecting a good coop.

These are the vital considerations you should consider when choosing a coop for your chickens.

  • The number of chickens to be housed-The size of your flock should determine how big the coop should be. If you want to house many chickens, you should settle for a large coop. A smaller coop should be suitable if you intend to accommodate a couple of chickens.
  • Available space and budget– Large coops are ideal for chicken raisers with ample backyard space since their backyards accommodate large coops, unlike urban dwellers with limited space. Furthermore, your budget can influence the coop you choose for your birds. People with a big budget can afford larger and fancier coops, unlike those with a limited budget who can only afford small coops.
  • Climate and weather conditions– If you live in warmer climates, your ideal coop should have vents and windows to facilitate proper ventilation. The best coop for chicken raisers in a cold environment should have adequate insulation and insulation material to prevent heat loss from the coop. Furthermore, a coop should have features that can withstand all weather conditions. For instance, if you live in a place with hot weather conditions, the ideal coop should be portable since you can move it under a shade in hot months to keep the flock cool.
  • Purpose of keeping chickens-A good coop for raising meat birds should be large because meat birds are bigger than layers. The ideal coop for layers should have many nesting boxes where the layers can lay in comfort.

Building a Chicken Coop: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide

Are you thinking of starting your own flock of chickens? If so, one of the first things you’ll need is a sturdy and comfortable coop for your feathered friends. A chicken coop is a place where chickens can roost, lay their eggs, and take shelter from the elements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build a chicken coop from scratch.

Planning and Preparation

Before you start building your coop, you need to have a plan in place. First, choose an ideal location for your coop. You’ll want a spot that’s well-drained and has good ventilation. It’s also important to make sure it’s protected from predators.

Next, gather all the materials you need. You can choose from a variety of materials such as plywood, wood, plastic, or even bamboo. You’ll also need hardware cloth, chicken wire, nails, and roofing sheets. Be sure to prepare a budget so you don’t end up overspending.

Materials Required

Now that you have your plan and materials in place, it’s time to start building. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Prepare the Coop Location

Clear the area where you’ll be building the coop. Make sure the ground is level and add a layer of gravel for drainage.

Have a Coop Plan

Sketch out a plan for the coop, including the size, shape, and design. Make sure to include enough room for the number of chickens you plan to house.

Build the Coop Frame

Start by building the frame of the coop. Use the lumber to create a rectangular or square shape. Attach the pieces using screws or nails.

Add Coop Walls

Attach the walls to the frame using screws or nails. Make sure to leave enough room for the door, windows, and nesting boxes.

Install Floor and Roof

Add the flooring to the coop using plywood or another sturdy material. Attach the roofing sheets to the top of the coop to protect it from the elements.

Install Doors, Windows, and Chicken Wire or Hardware Cloth

Add doors and windows to the coop for easy access and ventilation. Use chicken wire or hardware cloth to cover any openings to keep predators out.

Build Perches and Nesting Boxes

Finally, add perches and nesting boxes to the coop. Chickens need a place to roost and lay their eggs, so make sure to provide enough space for both.

Building your own chicken coop may seem daunting, but with this step-by-step guide, you can easily create a comfortable and safe home for your feathered friends. Good luck and happy building!

Safety and Maintenance Tips

Now that your chicken coop is built, it’s important to keep it clean and safe for your chickens. Here are some tips on how to maintain your coop and keep your chickens healthy and happy.

Shovel Away Chicken Waste

Cleaning the coop regularly is essential to maintain a healthy living environment for your chickens. You’ll need to shovel away any chicken waste, dirt, feathers, and soiled bedding. Doing this daily will prevent the accumulation of waste and prevent bad odors from forming.

Sanitize the Coop

To remove dirt and debris, you can spray the floor, nesting boxes, roosts, and walls with a steady hose spray. This will help to eliminate any mites or other parasites that may be hiding in the nooks and crannies of your coop. However, be careful not to oversaturate the bedding or create puddles that could lead to damp conditions.

Check the Coop for Openings and Crevices

Regularly check the coop for openings and crevices. This will help to prevent predators such as raccoons or rats from entering the coop and harming your chickens. Seal any openings with chicken wire or hardware cloth.

Clean the Feeders and Waterers

Chickens need fresh water and food every day. It’s important to clean the feeders and waterers regularly to ensure they remain free of bacteria and other contaminants. Dirty feeders and waterers can lead to disease and illness in your flock.


In summary, maintaining your chicken coop is just as important as building it. By following these tips, you’ll create a healthy and safe environment for your chickens to thrive. With regular cleaning and maintenance, your coop will be a happy home for your feathered friends for years to come.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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