Australorp vs Jersey Giant – What is the Difference?

Both Australorp and Jersey Giant chickens are popular chicken breeds for novice and experienced chicken keepers. The two species have similar physical traits like red earlobes and single combs.

Irrespective of their similarities, they still have different physical characteristics that make them pretty different. These two chicken breeds have a different appearance, size, weight, meat production, and egg production.

What are Australorp Chickens?

Australorp chickens are a chicken breed that hails from Australia. This chicken breed is a utility chicken breed, primarily meant for egg production. Australorp chickens are famous for their high egg-laying productivity.

What are Jersey Giant Chickens?

Jersey Giant chickens are large chicken breeds that originate in the US. These chickens became popular in the fall of the 19th century. Thomas Black and John created these chickens. The main intention behind creating these chickens was to replace the turkey, which is predominantly a meat bird. Jersey Giant chickens are primarily for meat production.

Australorp vs Jersey Giant

Although Jersey Giant and Australorp chickens are large-sized chicken breeds, they are quite different in appearance, temperament, egg production, and meat production. Furthermore, these chickens’ size and weight are pretty different.

– Appearance

Australorp chickens have heavy beetle-green sheens. They have deep bodies and dark eyes. These chickens are quite active. Australorp chickens have distinct red earlobes. These chickens also have featherless faces.

Australorp hens have tiny wattles, while Australorp roosters have medium-sized wattles. These birds have black toes, legs, and beaks. Roosters also have long, thin feathers running across their necks.

Jersey Giant chickens are attractive and robust birds. Their legs are black, and they also have yellow soles. Jersey Giant chickens are unique since they have four toes on their feet. However, these chickens don’t have feathers on their legs. Jersey Giants have red combs and wattles, while their skins are yellow. These chickens have dark brown eyes, black beaks with yellow tinges at the ends.

– Size & Weight

Australorp chickens are among the largest chicken breeds. Roosters weigh between 6 and 8 pounds on average when they reach maturity. Hens are also relatively heavier than hens from various chicken breeds.

On average, Australorp hens weigh between 5 and 7 pounds. Australorp cockerels measure between 26 and 27.5 inches from the tail tip to the head. They stand around 15 inches tall. Australorp hens measure approximately 21 to 24 inches from the head to their tail tips. Hens stand around 12 inches tall on average.

Although today’s Jersey Giant chickens are somewhat smaller than their ancestors, they are still large-sized chicken breeds. Jersey Giant roosters weigh around 13 to 15 pounds. Jersey Giant hens weigh between 12 and 15 pounds on average. Roosters stand around 22 to 26 inches tall, while females stand about 16 to 20 inches tall.

– Temperament

Australorp chickens are perhaps the gentlest chickens. They are docile, and they develop a strong bond between them and their owners. These chickens are easy-going, and they aren’t aggressive at all.

They are extremely calm and delightful whether living in backyards or urban dwellings. Australorp chickens make great pets for families with kids since they are easy to tame. Australorp roosters are also calm, unlike cockerels from many chicken breeds.

Overly, Australorp chickens get along with other birds, including ducks and fellow chicken breeds. They also make wonderful mothers since they spend time with their baby chicks.

Jersey Giant chickens also boast a pleasant temperament. These gentle and friendly birds make wonderful backyard birds. Furthermore, Jersey Giants get along with nearly all chicken breeds. Although they might seem intimidating due to their large size, they are ever calm, and they rarely get into confrontations with other flock members.

These chickens aren’t flighty but steady. Therefore, Jersey Giant chickens are pretty easy to handle. Several chicken keepers have been keeping these docile and mellow birds as pets.

Even Jersey Giant roosters aren’t aggressive, although they are highly protective of the hens and other flock members. Jersey Giants make wonderful additions to any backyard flock, thanks to their docile and calm nature, which can help bring order to your flock’s dynamics.

– Egg Production

Australorp chickens are some of the most terrific egg-laying chicken breeds. These chickens lay around 250 eggs yearly. Their eggs are light-brown and relatively bigger than the average chicken eggs. Some Australorp hens can lay up to 364 eggs annually with proper care and diet. Besides being excellent layers, Australorp hens are also awesome mothers and nest sitters.

Although Jersey Giants are awesome meat birds, they are still fairly good layers. Jersey Giant hens lay around 150 to 200 eggs annually. On average, these hens lay approximately two to four eggs weekly. Their eggs can be medium-brown or light-brown in color.

– Meat Production

Although chicken keepers keep Australorp chickens strictly for egg production, these chickens make efficient dual-purpose birds. You can keep these chickens for meat production. Their white meat tastes great, although it is somewhat tougher than other chickens’ meat.

Jersey Giants are exceptional meat producers. On average, these chickens can produce approximately nine pounds of white meat. They also mature quickly since they are ready for the table as early as six months old. Overly, Jersey Giants are outstanding meat producers.

– Care & Housing

Australorp chickens are foragers by nature. You don’t necessarily have to keep these chickens in a cage since they will graze your yard for bugs and morsels. Since they are layers rather than meat producers, these chickens need plenty of calcium and protein-rich foods. They also require clean, high-quality feed for optimal growth and egg production.

Jersey Giants are terrific eaters since they have huge bodies that require a constant food supply. These chickens need to eat at least thrice a day to mature quickly in readiness for consumption.

Furthermore, they require spacious living space owing to their huge size. They thrive well in a properly ventilated cage since they are more of indoor birds than foragers. These chickens also grow quickly upon consuming high-quality feed with a blend of nutrients.


Both Jersey Giants and Australorp chickens are great birds for prospective and experienced chicken keepers. You can count on these two breeds whether you want meat or eggs. Most importantly, these birds can make worthwhile pets because of their calm and friendly nature.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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