Black Copper Marans Chicken – Breed Profile & Facts

The Black Copper Maran chicken breed is an active breed that loves free-ranging and enjoys foraging. This bird also handles confinement relatively well. Black Copper Marans lay dark chocolate eggs.

These chickens have black feathers with beautiful green hues. Black Copper Marans are quiet and gentle chickens. They are winter-hardy, making them excellent birds to raise in colder climates.

What are Black Copper Marans?

Black Copper Marans are large and attractive dual-purpose chickens. These birds are becoming popular thanks to their beautiful appearance and winter hardiness. They originate from the La Rochelle and Maran communities in France. The original Black Copper Maran is the “Poule de Maran”.

It’s pretty different from the other nine Maran varieties. These chickens were initially known as swamp chickens because they inhabited swampy areas. These chickens became popular in the fall of the 1930s.

Black Copper Marans Characteristics

Black Copper Marans have unique and attractive black and copper feathers. Some Black Copper Marans have black feathers with green iridescences, especially when you observe them in full sunlight. Black Copper Marans have red combs, earlobes, faces, and wattles.

These chickens have clean legs and unique V-shaped, solid, sturdy bodies. Roosters are a stunning sight to behold. They have spectacular plumage with copper feathers over their attractive black beetle-sheened plumage. Hens come in more subdued colors, helping them blend perfectly into their environments.

– Size & Weight

Black Copper Marans are large-sized chickens. Roosters weigh between 7 and 8 lb., while females weigh approximately 6.5 lb. Some Bantam Black Copper Marans exist, although they are pretty rare.

– Temperament

Black Copper Marans are pretty gentle and quiet, irrespective of their massive size. Roosters will sometimes wrestle a bit, although in infrequent incidents. Hens are overly docile, although the docile nature can vary from one Black Copper Maran hen to the other.

Because Black Copper Maran chickens are friendly, making them incredible companion birds. They also make great bird pets, although most people don’t use them as pets. Black Copper Marans are avid foragers and do well in free-range.

These chickens can also tolerate some confinement but are more productive when living in a free-range environment. They are spotless, according to those who raise them. Black Copper Marans avoid soiling their nests and laying boxes, unlike most chicken breeds.

– Lifespan

Black Copper Marans are hardy and can live for about eight years. Most of these chickens can live longer with excellent care. The oldest Black Maran lived for over a decade. As long-living as these chickens are, they are vulnerable to hereditary disposition, diseases, and predation, dramatically shortening their average lifespan.

– Egg Production

Black Copper Marans are above-average layers. Black Maran hens lay between 150 and 200 dark-chocolate eggs annually. Their eggs might vary in hues, although egg color doesn’t differ much from one hen to the other. The egg quality for these chickens is unsurpassed.

Although hens aren’t overly brood, they are lovely setters. Hens start laying when they are between 8 and 9 months old. However, hens are dependable layers in cold months. Black Copper Maran hens will experience decreased egg production as they continue aging like other hens.

– Meat Production

Black Copper Marans are among the most terrific meat producers today. These chickens are compact and heavy, making them superb meat birds. Most chicken farmers raise Black Copper Marans for meat, although some will raise them for their dark-chocolate eggs.

Black Copper Marans mature quickly, making them excellent fowl to raise for commercial chicken meat production. Roosters are especially perfect for meat production because they are way larger than roosters from most meat-producing breeds.

Black Copper Marans Care

Black Copper Marans are among the most productive dual-purpose chickens to raise in free-range or confinement. Besides being hardy fowl, Black Copper Marans also have fewer maintenance needs.

Although these chickens can withstand harsh weather conditions, that doesn’t mean they don’t require good care like other domestic fowl. Check this Black Copper Marans care guide to learn about caring for your Black Copper Marans.

– Feeding & Nutrition

A standard 20% protein-rich starter feed is ideal for Black Copper Maran baby chickens. Like baby chicks from other chicken species, Black Copper Maran baby chicks require plenty of protein in their diet because they need to grow muscle fast and have new feathers.

Chicks also require protein because protein deficiency could easily lead to malnutrition in Black Copper Maran baby chicks.

All Black Copper Marans need protein, regardless of their sex or age. Protein is crucial for these chickens, especially during a stressful time like molting.

Because Black Copper Marans are meat producers, they deserve to have more protein in their menu because protein will help them grow muscle, ultimately making the chickens suitable for meat. Ideally, meat-producing Black Copper Marans need a regular 15% protein-rich feed.

  • Feeding Baby Marans Chicks

When your hens hatch Black Copper Maran baby chicks, it’s good to start feeding the newborns with a growers mash. The standard grower mash is easily ingestible, and it is also high in protein. Six weeks old chicks can transition from growers mash to pellet mash, which also has a decent amount of protein.

  • Feeding Marans for Egg Production

When your Black Copper Marans are over 18 weeks old, you should switch from regular feed to a feed with a high protein concentration because Marans start laying at this age. Ideally, your Black Copper Maran hens should consume a feed with at least 18% protein.

Hens won’t have steady egg production if they miss protein in their diet. Your hens also need essential trace minerals to help them produce large dark-chocolate eggs. One of the crucial trace minerals to give your Black Copper Maran hens include calcium, which is vital for egg formation and production.

The quality of brown-colored eggs your Black Copper Maran hens lay will depend on the amount of calcium they consume. Your hens will produce high-quality eggs if they consume a calcium-rich diet. Crushed eggshells and oyster shells are good for hens, especially if you establish that your birds aren’t getting enough calcium from their regular food.

Black Copper Marans also need a variety of food and nutrients. For instance, your chickens should have lots of vegetables in their diet. Vegetables will help your Black Copper Maran chickens get various nutrients, especially multiple vitamins.

Broccoli, chard, pumpkins, and spinach are excellent vegetables for Black Copper Marans because these vegetables have tons of vitamin C. Your Black Copper Marans will need more vitamin C to help them remain hardy and capable of combating different chicken diseases.

  • Feeding Free-Range Marans

Free-range Black Copper Marans can get a blend of different foods foraging outside. For example, such chickens can access many protein-rich foods like grubs and bugs because they are so many bugs and grabs outdoors. They can also eat many types of plants and fruits.

However, Keeping Black Copper Marans indoors has a disadvantage. Indoor chickens don’t have access to multiple foods, so they will depend on what you feed them. Consequently, your indoor chickens should eat a balanced diet to ensure they don’t miss anything. For instance, you can introduce protein-rich foods like fishmeal and mealworms to boost the chickens’ protein.

You can also try providing healthy fruits like grapes, berries, mangoes, and oranges to your Black Copper Marans to ensure they get adequate vitamins. Fruits are also a good treat for Black Copper Marans because they help refresh the bird in hot weather.

Your Black Copper Marans should eat at least four times daily, unlike other chicken breeds, which should eat thrice daily. The reason for increased food consumption among Black Copper Marans is that these chickens are large-sized birds, and thus they need to consume more than the average chickens.

Black Copper Marans need some little grit to assist in food digestion. They also need water to cool themselves off and to make it easier for their bodies to digest all the foods they consume daily.

– Housing

Because Black Copper Marans are massive chickens, they require spacious coops. The standard chicken cage may be somewhat enough for your Black Copper Marans. However, you need to provide the chickens with additional room, especially if you have several Black Copper Marans.

Black Copper Marans also need specious roosting space. Every Black Copper Marans needs at least 8 and 10 inches of roosting area. Hens need nesting boxes because they are picky, unlike other hens, so they don’t lay eggs anywhere.

While Black Copper Marans can tolerate confinement, these chickens are pretty active. It would help if you had a chicken run adjacent to their coop to provide the birds with ample roaming space. Having a run will help avoid overcrowding in the cage and discourage the chickens from picking up bad habits like pecking and bullying.

– Health Problems

Black Copper Maran chickens are active and vigorous chickens. These chickens can live in nearly all weather conditions. They are also highly disease-resistant fowl and aren’t vulnerable to many health problems like most breeds.

However, these chickens are prone to parasites like worms, mites, and lice. Frostbites are also an issue for these chickens since they have larger combs than most breeds.

Black Copper Marans, especially younger chickens, are vulnerable to diseases like Salmonella, coccidiosis, and Avian Cholera. Consequently, seek prompt treatment for your chickens if you think they could be susceptible to any health problem.

How Much do Black Copper Marans Cost?

Black Copper Marans are costly chickens because they are hardy and large. Adult Black copper chickens can cost between $30 and $60 per bird. Young chicks cost around $15 per chick.

Are Black Copper Marans Good for Beginners?

Black Copper Marans are excellent fowl for beginners. These chickens have a friendly and calm disposition, making the birds an ideal choice for beginners. They are also disease-resistant and cold-hardy.

Can Black Copper Marans Fly?

Black Copper Marans are active, but they can’t fly. They have short wings that hold close to their bodies, making it impossible for these chickens to fly.

Tips on Keeping Black Copper Marans

  • Try raising Black Copper Marans in a free-range environment
  • Have enough living and roaming space for your Black Copper Marans
  • Protect your Black Copper Marans from frostbites by applying petroleum jelly on their combs
  • Be wary of diseases that could harm your Black Copper Marans
  • Ensures predators don’t come near your Black Copper Marans
  • Have a feeding schedule while raising Black Copper Marans


Black Copper Marans are fabulous dual-purpose chickens to raise. These birds will supply their owners with lots of dark-chocolate eggs and delicious meat. Black Copper Marans are winter hardy.

They are also highly disease resistant, making Black Copper Marans worthy of rearing, especially for beginner fowl raisers in cold regions.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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