Will Rats Eat Quails and Their Eggs?

Rats are notorious for eating quail eggs, as they are infamous for eating chicken eggs and baby chicks. If you raise quails for eggs, one of the challenges you will encounter is keeping the quail eggs from these nasty rodents. Rats prefer eating quail eggs over chicken eggs because the former are small in size. Fortunately, you can utilize simple but effective techniques to keep rats away from your quails.

Will Rats Eat Quail Eggs?

Yes, rats will eat any uncollected quail eggs in the cage. Rats will steal quail eggs because they are much easier to break and eat than chicken eggs. These rodents will go for small eggs, making quail eggs good treats for rats.

Can Quails Protect Themselves from Rats?

Quails are some of the smallest and most defenseless birds. These tiny birds won’t protect themselves even from small prey, including rodents like rats. Therefore, rats will effortlessly kill quails, especially baby quails.

Rats rarely prey on adult quails because larger quails can somehow protect themselves from these rodents. Instead, these rodents will target the young quails and chicks. They will also prey on quail eggs because these eggs are easy meal options for rats. As omnivorous scavengers, rats won’t hesitate to attack adult quails when scarce food is.

How Do You Protect Quails from Rats?

Rats and other rodents like mice can be problematic to every quail keeper. They are pretty sneaky and difficult to keep at bay. The last thing quail keepers want is to have these rodents in or close to their quail cages.

It will help if you take precautionary measures to protect your quail and eggs from these terrible scavengers. Here is how you can protect your quails from rats.

– Keep Quails in Wire Cage

Quail owners usually keep their birds in faulty cages, making their quails vulnerable to rats. Keeping your quails in a wire cage that denies rats easy access to your birds is essential. Keeping your quail in an old birdcage with huge gaps and rust will make it easy for rats to get to your birds.

The wire cage should have a sturdy wire, which must be at least half-inch thick to keep the rodents out of your birds. A sturdy wire also ensures the rats won’t chew through the wire and get to your quails.

Wire cages are an effective housing option for quails. Besides being an inexpensive housing option for quails, wire cages are also easy to clean. They also provide proper ventilation to quails. The best wire cages have welded wire pieces, making them a sturdy housing option for quails.

The ideal wire cage to keep rats away from your quails should measure approximately 15 inches X 18 inches. You can either get a pre-made wire cage for your birds. Or, you can make one yourself from scratch. However, a single wire cage isn’t enough to house several quails.

The standard wire cage can’t accommodate more than ten quails. Getting several wire cages is the perfect solution if you have a huge flock of quails to protect from rats.

– Secure the Bottom of the Cage

Rats can attack your quails from the bottom of the cage when these rodents unsuccessfully try to get into the cage through the gaps in the wire. Seal the cage’s bottom to effectively rat-proof the cage from rats. Even if you have a sturdy wire cage for your quails, rats will still get into the cage from the bottom if you place the cage on a surface with nothing underneath.

Remember that rats are digging creatures and will dig beneath a wire cage to access your birds. One of the best methods for quail keepers to use to stop rats from getting to their quails from the bottom is placing the wire cage on a concrete slab.

Rats can’t dig through the concrete slab. Apart from setting the wire cage on a concrete slab, you can try attaching a tray beneath the wire cage to stop rats from entering the cage from the bottom. A tray will work as a barrier preventing rodents from accessing your birds from the bottom.

– Use Rat Traps

Rap traps and glue boards can rid your home of rats and mice, some of the worst threats to your quails and their eggs. Placing rat traps at convenient places around the cage will help catch rats before they attack your quails. If you’re dealing with a nasty rat infestation in your yard, you will need several traps to catch rats.

Live traps are the best for trapping rats. These traps are pretty easy to set up. Plus, live traps are affordable, and you won’t have to spend a lot, even if you are buying dozens of live traps to catch the rats targeting your quails and their eggs. Furthermore, you can use live traps to catch rats over and over.

Live traps also don’t have toxins and chemicals that can kill other animals coming close to the cage where you house your quails. While they are effective, live traps are also pretty safe, especially for quail owners with small kids and pets in their homes.

Place a few live traps around the cage where rats usually frequent as they try to prey on your quails. Keep checking the traps to know when the traps catch some rats.

– Get a Rat Terrier

Rat terriers are pretty resourceful and hardy dogs. These dogs can catch and kill dozens of rats and mice within a short time. Rat terriers are the best solution for quail owners with rat infestations that make them unable to protect their birds from rats.

A single rat terrier can kill countless rats in a day. Rat terriers also help scare away rats and predators that could attack your quails.


Rats are some of the biggest threats to quails and their eggs. These rodents can ruin your flock, leaving your cage without a single quail. However, quail owners can keep these rodents at bay, ensuring their birds are safe from the threats that rats pose.

Protecting quails from rats isn’t difficult for quail keepers willing to keep these rodents away from their birds through simple, inexpensive, and effective methods.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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