Can Chickens Lay 2 Eggs a Day?

It is unusual for hens to lay two eggs a day since almost all chicken breeds lay a single egg in a day on average. Young hens can, however, lay more than two eggs a day, as these young hens are maturing and they have loads of energy.

Diet and living conditions can also make your hens lay more than two eggs a day. Every hen has the potential to lay more than two hens if it has plenty of food that will enable the hens to lay more than two eggs.

How Many Eggs Do Chickens Lay?

Chickens lay one egg a day. Some hens can, however, lay two eggs in a day, mainly young and maturing hens. Your hens can lay around 250 eggs annually if you feed them properly. It takes an average of between 24 and 26 hours for a hen to lay an egg.

High-laying hens can take a shorter time to lay eggs. Most of the well-fed and high-producing hens can lay two eggs between 24 and 26 hours.

How to Make Your Chickens Lay More Eggs?

With a proper diet, low-stress environment, sufficient light, normal temperature, and good housing, you can make your chickens lay more eggs. It won’t happen overnight, and you can’t make them lay 2 or more eggs a day, but still, they will reward you with lots of eggs.

Below, I go into details about each factor that can contribute to more egg-laying:

– Food and Diet

Most people keep chickens for eggs and meat. Having hens in your flock doesn’t guarantee you a high supply of eggs. There are simple ways you can make your egg-laying hens increase their egg-laying capabilities.

  • Mealworms

Mealworms are some of the best foods to provide to your chickens if you want to boost their egg production. Mealworms have approximately 50% more protein than other protein sources. Egg-laying hens require plenty of protein to lay eggs,

Mealworms will sustain your hens’ laying capabilities and increase the size of their eggs. Mealworms will help increase the protein content in your hens’ eggs. The quality of your chickens’ eggs will also improve if you continue supplementing your chickens’ diet with mealworms.

  • Eggshells

It sounds weird to give your chickens eggshells. Eggs shells can, nevertheless, help your egg-laying hens boost their egg production capacity. Young hens can get plenty of nutrients from eggshells. Crash some eggs shells and then add them to your egg-laying hens.

  • Greens

Greens such as chickweed, kales, and dandelion alongside cabbage will help your hens lay more eggs. Greens have lots of vitamins which are especially great for egg-laying hens. Vitamins in greens can enable chickens to produce more and high-quality eggs.

Furthermore, vitamins will help your chickens maintain excellent overall health. Cut some greens and toss them into your chicken coop to ensure the hens have access to vital minerals that will enable them to lay more and quality eggs.

  • Scratch feed

Scratch feed contains a mixture of seeds and grains. Some scratch feed also has corn, wheat, sunflower seeds. The ingredients on the scratch feed will help boost your hens’ egg-producing capabilities.

Scratch feed is especially ideal for free-ranging hens since it supplements what they eat outdoors. Scratch encourages hens to forage, enabling them to combat boredom. Your chickens will lay fewer eggs when living in conditions that expose them to boredom.

  • Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a crucial ingredient in chicken feed. It is a tasty ingredient for chickens, and it can also help your hens lay more eggs. Oatmeal is suitable for hens in winter when the temperatures are freezing. Cold temperatures can stop hens from laying eggs normally.

Oatmeal comes with plenty of micronutrients and proteins that will help keep your egg-laying hens healthy. Mix a small amount of oatmeal with chicken feed, and then introduce the feed to your chickens.

  • Wheat

Wheat can also help your chickens increase their egg production. Wheat has plenty of nutrients that will provide more energy and nutrients to your chickens. Hens need lots of nutrients and energy to lay more eggs.

However, introduce wheat to your chickens in moderation. Wheat has plenty of starch that can make your egg-laying hens overweight, hindering them from laying eggs effectively.

  • Berries

Berries such as strawberries will boost your hens’ eggs production over time. These fruits taste sweet, and your chicken will love whatever types of berries you provide to your chickens. Berries have plenty of vitamins and antioxidants, which are suitable for increasing egg production in your chickens.

Toss some berries in the chicken coop and ensure your hens eat more berries than other chickens in the flock. Plant some berries in your yard to ensure your free-ranging hens can eat the berries.

  • Apples

Apples can help your chickens lay more eggs since they have loads of vitamins. Peel some apples, and then combine the apples with your chickens’ regular diet. Apples will also serve as an excellent treat for your chickens.

  • Pumpkin

Pumpkin is suitable for all chickens, whether raw or cooked. Pumpkins have loads of calcium which hens need to lay more eggs over time. Pumpkin seeds are ideal for hens since they provide hens with plenty of vitamins, which they need to lay more and high-quality eggs.

– Low Stress

Hens can stop laying eggs when living in a stressful environment. Having your chickens live in a stress-free environment will help the chickens lay more eggs. Ensure your chickens aren’t living in a place where there are predators around. The presence of predators will continuously scare your chickens, hindering the egg-laying hens in your flock from laying eggs.

– Enough Light

Light can affect your hens’ reproductive cycle. Hens need an adequate amount of light to sustain their egg-laying cycle. Indoor hens can stop laying eggs when they lack enough light. Ensure you provide the chickens with plenty of light, mainly if you are keeping your broods indoors.

– Temperature

Temperature can significantly affect your chicken’s egg-laying cycle.  Hens lay more eggs when the temperature is between 45 and 80 °F (7-27 °C). Ensure your hens have adequate temperature to sustain their egg-laying cycle.

You can provide adequate temperature to enable your hens to lay more eggs by placing a heating lamp in your chicken coop in winter. Hens don’t lay many eggs in winter since the temperatures are cold. Furthermore, your chicken eggs are likely to freeze in winter as a result of the cold.

– Supplements

Chickens can still lay eggs if you continue providing the birds with a good diet. Supplements will, however, make your hens lay more eggs over time.  Below are some of the finest supplements to give to your birds to increase their egg production.

  • Calcium

Calcium is suitable for egg formation. Although most layer feeds have calcium, you are still required to supplement your hens’ diet with calcium to sustain their egg-laying cycle. Hens with a calcium deficiency will lay eggs with soft shells. The eggs will also not taste good if your chickens aren’t getting enough calcium in their diet.

  • Grit

Grit is an essential supplement for hens, especially free-ranging hens. Grit supplements are suitable for hens since these supplements can help improve your hens’ digestive system.

Hens can’t lay many eggs when their digestive system isn’t functioning correctly.  Thus, add some grit supplements to your hens’ diet to help your hens lay more eggs.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar may not look like much of a chicken supplement. Nonetheless, apple cider vinegar can help your hens increase their egg production. Apple cider vinegar also helps chickens combat respiratory disease.

Due to its ability to alkalize your chickens’ bodies, apple cider vinegar can help kill the internal parasites that could be preventing your hens from laying eggs less frequently. Add a couple of apple cider vinegar drops to your chickens’ food if you have more hens in the flock.

  • Protein

Protein supplements are suitable for hens since hens require protein to lay more eggs. Your chickens will not lay more eggs if they have a protein deficiency. Protein is not only ideal for hens but also for other chickens in the flock.

Protein is beneficial for your chickens going through the molting process since it helps them grow new feathers quickly. Supplementing your chickens’ feed with protein will help the chickens lay more and bigger eggs.

  • Vitamins

Vitamins are especially essential for hens since they sustain their egg-laying cycle. Vitamins will also help your chickens develop a stronger immune system, hindering them from contracting any disease that will affect their egg-laying process. Add some high-quality vitamin supplements to your chickens’ diet to boost their egg production.

– Housing

Housing can affect your chickens’ egg-laying cycle. Your chickens won’t lay many eggs if they aren’t living in proper housing conditions. Your coop needs to have adequate ventilation to ensure there is sufficient air supply in the coop.

Lack of oxygen in the coop can prevent your chickens from laying eggs continuously. Other than ventilation, your coop also needs regular cleaning to keep the eggs clean. Have a place where your hens can lay eggs while designing and constructing your chicken coop.


Ideally, chickens lay one egg. However, chickens can lay more than two eggs in a day, especially young adult hens. You can make your hens lay over two eggs a day by providing them with a proper diet and ensuring the hens are living in conditions that allow them to lay more than two eggs in a day.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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