Why do Chickens Lay Blue Eggs?

Most chicken species lay brown or white eggs. However, some species, such as Lushi and Araucana, lay blue eggs. Some chickens lay blue eggs because they have a retrovirus in their genome that activates a trait that enables them to lay blue eggs.

In their early egg-laying process, breeders insert this retrovirus in chickens, making them capable of laying blue eggs.

What Chicken Breeds Lay Blue Eggs?

Although some chicken breeds lay blue eggs, most breeds lay either white or brown eggs. Predominantly, three chicken breeds lay blue eggs. These breeds are namely the Araucana, Easter Egger, and the Amerucana. The Araucana is a small-sized chicken breed that is native to Chile, specifically in the country’s Araucania region.

The Amerucana chicken breed is an American chicken breed that originates from Chile. The Easter Egger is another hybrid chicken breed that lays blue eggs. The medium-sized chicken breed hails from the US. It is known for laying a high number of blue eggs.

How Blue Eggs Get Their Color?

The blue color in eggs from blue egg-laying chickens comes from a retrovirus called oocyanin. Breeders apply the retrovirus to chickens at the onset of the chickens’ egg-laying cycle. The blue pigment in this retrovirus goes through the eggshells. Therefore, blue eggs have a blue color inside and out of the eggs.

Are Blue Chicken Eggs Safe to Eat?

Yes, blue eggs are pretty safe to eat. In fact, these eggs are much better than the brown eggs and white chicken eggs we buy at the stores or poultry farms. The reasons below explain why blue eggs are safer than white or brown chicken eggs.

– Blue Eggs Are Nutritious

Colorful blue eggs, especially from backyard chickens, are rich in nutrition. They have a higher protein content than brown and white eggs from ordinary chicken breeds that don’t lay blue eggs.

Furthermore, blue eggs also have a high calcium content, vital for bone development. Besides having plenty of nutritional components, blue eggs taste better than white and brown chicken eggs.

– Blue Eggs Are Healthier Than Ordinary Eggs

Most chicken breeds that lay blue eggs don’t consume a high amount of commercial feed like hybrid and other ordinary chickens. These blue egg-laying chickens consume natural foods containing plant materials such as natural grass. Free-range blue egg-laying chickens also lay blue eggs with terrific amounts of protein since they consume loads of bugs.

Apart from having loads of proteins, blue eggs contain plenty of vitamins such as vitamin B2, vitamin K, and Vitamin E, which will boost your health and wellbeing over time.

Furthermore, blue eggs have less cholesterol and fat than ordinary eggs. Meaning these eggs are healthy for overweight persons and individuals at risk of obesity.

– Blue Eggs Are Unique

The fact that blue eggs are blue rather than white and brown makes these eggs unique. Therefore, these eggs aren’t only safe for your consumption, but they are also more aesthetically appealing than the average chicken eggs.

– Blue Eggs Are Great for Promoting Heart Health

Blue eggs have several nutrients than the average chicken eggs, and they are therefore safe for supporting heart health. Some of the nutrients, such as choline and betaine, aren’t only good for promoting heart health, but they are also 100% safe and beneficial for your health and wellbeing.

In a recent study in China, where there are some blue-egg-laying chickens, individuals reported that they were at low risk of having heart disease after eating at least one blue egg daily. However, you need to eat blue eggs moderately to promote your heart health as part of your healthy lifestyle.

Do Blue Eggs Taste Different?

To some point, blue eggs taste better than white or brown chicken eggs. These eggs have an authentic taste that differentiates them from ordinary eggs. Blue eggs are rich in flavor, and they are also rich in nutrients.

Where Can You Buy Blue Chicken Eggs?

Blue eggs are rare, and therefore these eggs aren’t readily available, unlike ordinary chicken eggs. Getting these eggs can be somewhat challenging, particularly for those who don’t know where and how to begin searching for blue eggs. Luckily, you can get blue eggs if you know where to get these eggs. Here are some of the perfect places where you can purchase blue eggs.

  • From Stores– Some stores sell blue eggs alongside other chicken eggs. You are most likely to get blue eggs from such stores. However, these stores are rare, and you will have to do your assignment to establish which store in your area sells blue eggs.
  • Online– Online websites specializing in selling poultry eggs are some of the best and most convenient places to get and purchase blue eggs. Most eggs retail websites sell blue eggs from different chicken breeds that lay blue eggs. The good thing with buying blue eggs online is that you can get blue eggs from different countries with different types of blue egg-laying chicken breeds. However, you will have to pay a shipping fee to the website to bring the eggs to your desired destination.
  • Poultry farms– Poultry farms are also another great place to purchase blue eggs. Most reputable poultry farms sell different types of chicken eggs, including blue eggs. Your chances of finding blue eggs on a poultry farm are pretty high.
  • Friends, acquaintances, and coworkers– You can sometimes get blue eggs from friends, coworkers, or acquaintances who sell blue eggs. If you know of someone who sells blue eggs, then they could be at a great starting point in finding blue eggs. You simply have to find out how much they are selling the blue eggs and then negotiate the price with them. Or, you can ask them how much they are selling the blue eggs and then pay them without negotiating the price.


Chickens lay blue eggs because they belong to a family of chickens that lay blue eggs. Not every chicken breed will give you blue eggs because not all breeds can lay blue eggs. You have to know where you are purchasing blue eggs since these eggs are rare.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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