How Many Eggs Can You Expect from Your Chicken Flock?
The number of eggs you expect to get from your chicken flock depends on how many chickens you raise and the breed of chickens you keep for egg production.
If you raise a high-yielding breed like a White Leghorn, for instance, you should expect to get an average of up to 320 eggs annually. A poor layer like Silkie will give you about 160 eggs yearly.
How Many Eggs Can a Flock of Chickens Lay?
Hens have different laying capabilities, so it’s hard to say how many eggs a chicken can lay. It also depends on the number of hens you have in your flock. Here is a table showing how many eggs you can expect from your flock based on the number of hens you have.
Number of hens | Average Number of Eggs Daily |
Three hens | 1-3 eggs |
Four hens | 2-4 eggs |
Five hens | 3-5 eggs |
Six hens | 4-6 eggs |
Seven hens | 5-7 eggs |
Ten hens | 8-10 eggs |
Factors That Affect Egg Production in Chickens
Many factors affect egg production in chickens. Chicken farmers must be aware of these factors, especially those raising chickens strictly for egg production. These are some of the factors that affect egg production.
The choice of chicken breed you keep can affect egg production. You will undoubtedly get plenty of eggs if you keep a prolific laying breed such as Rhode Island Red, Plymouth Rock, or Leghorn. Some chicken breeds can maintain a high egg production capability during the wintertime.
Some cold, hardy breeds that maintain a high egg production in the winter include the Plymouth Barred rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Orpingtons.
Furthermore, some chicken breeds we raise don’t increase our egg production. You can’t, for instance, expect to get many eggs from a dual-purpose breed because that breed isn’t suitable for egg production.
Some chicken breeds that will reduce your egg production include Silkies, Brahma chickens, and Orloff chickens. These two breeds are good ornamental breeds and aren’t suitable for meat or egg production.
Age is another factor that can affect egg production in your flock. There is a close relationship between the age of a hen and its laying capabilities. Laying decreases as a hen age. Young hens will lay more at their early age than older hens. Most breeds start laying when they are between 18 and 22 weeks old.
Young hens reach their peak production when they are around 15 weeks. However, egg production will gradually diminish as the hen ages. Hens attain a 90% production when they are around ten weeks old. Their egg production, however, decreases to approximately 65% when they are 12 weeks old.
Age can also affect the quality and size of eggs a hen lays. For example, a young hen can lay large, high-quality eggs a few weeks after her egg-production cycle. However, an older hen will lay low-quality eggs as she approaches her final egg-laying years.
Health has a direct effect on a chicken’s egg production. Unhealthy chickens have poor egg-production capability. Healthy chickens have a high egg-production ability. A hen will not produce many eggs if it suffers from poultry disease. Diseases like Avian cholera and Fowl Pox can affect egg production and the quality of eggs a hen produces.
Furthermore, diseases can affect a hen’s overall health, making the bird unable to lay optimally. Reproductive problems can also affect egg production in your flock. Hens with reproductive issues, such as ovary or oviduct infections, have poor egg production. You must ensure your hens don’t have severe reproductive problems if you look forward to getting many eggs from your flock.
Nutrition can have severe implications on egg production. The quality of nutrition your chickens get can profoundly affect the number of eggs they lay. Quality nutrition and a balanced diet can help maintain a high egg production in your flock.
Your hens need a diet with a significant amount of energy since laying requires hens to have plenty of energy. Your hens won’t maintain a high egg-production capability if they don’t get a diet without enough energy-giving sources.
Protein can also affect egg production because it determines the number of eggs you will get from your flock. Chickens with an acute protein deficiency usually lay less frequently, unlike chickens that have a diet with more protein. Therefore, you must provide your flock with a protein-rich diet to avoid a reduction in egg production.
Calcium should be a crucial element of the diet you provide to your flock. This mineral plays a considerable role in eggshell formation. Laying hens should have a diet with around 3.25%. Calcium also helps chickens develop strong muscles around their vent areas, so they won’t have problems like egg bidding when laying.
Luckily, chicken keepers can add more calcium to their chickens’ diet by providing calcium supplements to their flock. Calcium can affect egg formation and egg laying in your flock, so it’s crucial to ensure your flock gets a diet with enough calcium. Hens also need enough vitamin D in their diet since it helps regulate calcium absorption in chickens.
Light Exposure
Light exposure can affect laying in poultry. Light can generate hormonal cascades and several reactions that potentially favor egg production. Light helps stimulate the reproductive systems of egg-laying hens. Additional light exposure can encourage your chickens to lay more.
Hens that don’t get at least eight hours of light exposure are likely to lay less frequently. This is why hens don’t lay during wintertime because of the imminent reduction of daylight hours. Hens usually lay more in the summer and spring because they have more prolonged exposure to sunlight.
You can increase egg production in your flock by ensuring your chickens have more light exposure.
Stress is also another factor that contributes to reduced egg production in chickens. Laying hens are vulnerable to stress because they are prey birds. Sudden changes in your flock can stress it, ultimately decreasing egg production.
Some things that can stress your hens and reduce their productivity include a sudden change in diet, environment, and the presence of predators. Molting can also subject your layers to stress because some of the birds can’t cope with the stressful moments of losing feathers.
Bullying can further discourage hens from laying. Hens that are victims of bullying will not have optimal egg production.
How to Maximize Egg Production?
Egg production can be a big topic for every chicken raiser. Your flock is only productive if it can produce many eggs. Fortunately, you can increase egg production in your flock. Here are some easy ways you can implement to maximize egg production.
Choosing the Right Breed
You will only have tons of eggs from your flock if you have prolific egg-laying hens in the flock. You can maximize egg production by replacing those poor layers with prolific ones. For instance, you can add some Leghorns or Orpingtons to the flock if you want more eggs. In short, you must choose the right breed to increase egg production in your flock.
Some chicken breeds you should consider adding to your flock for maximum egg production include Orpington, Sussex, and Red Star chickens.
You can also add some winter-hardy breeds to the flock to ensure you get a decent amount of eggs during the wintertime. Some winter-hardy breeds to add to the flock include Australorps, New Hampshire Reds, and Barred Rocks.
Providing Proper Nutrition
Nutrition is vital for enhancing egg production in every flock. A flock that gets proper nutrition is highly productive. By providing a protein-rich diet, you can address your flock’s nutritional needs to help it produce more eggs. While your flock can get a substantive amount of protein from regular chicken feed, the protein may not be sufficient for the birds.
You can provide the birds with more protein-rich foods, including fishmeal, mealworms, and cooked eggs. You must ensure the birds have a calcium-rich diet by tossing crushed oyster shells over their feed. Alternatively, sprinkle some calcium supplements on the feed if you think they have poor egg production capability due to a calcium deficiency.
Ensuring Adequate Light and Space
Lighting is vital for layers because they won’t lay under poor light exposure. You can use artificial light or place the chicken coop near a light source to ensure the hens get adequate light to trigger their reproductive systems. Your layers also need space to lay and feel comfortable when they are laying.
Maintaining a Healthy and Stress-Free Environment
Stress has a severe effect on egg production. Stressed hens can’t achieve maximum egg production. Some factors that stress your layers include diseases, predation, and poor living conditions. It would help if you eliminated these factors to encourage your chickens to lay more. Furthermore, you should maintain a healthy environment to help your flock produce more eggs.
How to Tell if a Chicken is No Longer Producing Eggs?
Looking at its vent area, you can tell if your hen is no longer producing eggs. If the muscles around the vent area aren’t close together, it indicates your bird isn’t laying eggs. However, your hen could still be laying if her vent muscles are apart. Furthermore, laying hens have moist and pale vents. A hen that is no longer laying has a yellowish cloaca.
What to Do if Your Chicken Stops Laying Eggs?
Chicken ceases laying, mainly because of age or reproductive problems. You can eliminate any chicken in your flock that isn’t laying by slaughtering it or giving it away. You can also figure out whether the bird has a health issue preventing it from laying.
Common Egg Production Problems
Here are some common egg production problems to expect when raising chickens.
- Egg Binding– This egg production problem occurs when a hen cannot pass out an egg from its body. Egg binding is common in calcium-deficient chickens.
- Ovarian Cysts- Ovarian Cysts occur when a hen accumulates fluids in its ovary, stopping the ovary from functioning. Older hens are more likely to suffer from Ovarian Cysts than younger hens.
- Egg Eating-Egg eating is an egg production problem that hens develop when they suffer from a calcium deficiency. Hens can also eat eggs because of accidental discovery.
The number of eggs your hens lay will depend on several factors. For instance, you can expect more eggs if you raise prolific layers. Or, you can get multiple eggs if your hens are healthy. Furthermore, those with many young hens in their flocks should expect to get more eggs.