Cinnamon Queen Chicken – Breed Profile & Facts

Cinnamon Queen chickens don’t have a long history in the poultry world, unlike other native birds. Nonetheless, these chickens are precious birds for backyard chicken keepers.

They aren’t only prolific layers, but these birds are also hardy and good meat producers. They have a fast body growth rate compared to other hybrid chickens. Their friendly demeanor makes them precious birds to keep in any flock.

Where do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Come From?

Cinnamon Queen chickens don’t have an eventful history. These modern chickens result from crossing the Rhode Island cockerel and the Rhode Island hen.

Breeders have crossed these two chicken breeds, creating Cinnamon Queens, a species that can lay a tremendous amount of eggs. Cinnamon Queen chickens are hybrids, so there isn’t a real Cinnamon Queen chicken.

How to Recognize a Cinnamon Queen Chicken?

Thanks to its striking appearance, anyone can quickly identify a Cinnamon Queen chicken. Cinnamon Queen chickens have yellow legs and red combs. Adult hens have brown plumage with white feathers in their tail areas.

Mature roosters are white with gold and brown feathers on their necks and shoulder areas. These chickens have clear upper ears and red wattles. Like most chickens, Cinnamon Queen chickens don’t have feathers on their legs. These chickens have heavy and compact bodies.

How Big do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Grow?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are heavy and compact hybrid chickens. Cinnamon Queen roosters weigh between 5.5 lbs. and 7. 5 lbs. Hens weigh between 4.5 lbs. and 5.5 lbs. Some chickens can grow heavier, especially if they get a proper diet.

Are Cinnamon Queen Chickens Easy to Care For?

These hybrid chickens are among the most manageable modern chickens to raise. Cinnamon Queens are hardy since they come from some of the finest chicken breeds. The birds are pretty healthy since they don’t have hereditary health issues.

Due to their hybrid nature, these chickens are less likely to develop health problems. With a steady supply of healthy foods and freshwater, these chickens will mature quickly. Furthermore, they don’t require specialized care, and they can survive in virtually any condition.

What to Feed Cinnamon Queen Chickens?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are high egg-producing chickens. Therefore, these birds need a good diet that suits their egg production capabilities.

Being highly productive egg-laying birds, these chickens require a special diet to help them lay regularly. Furthermore, a good diet will help your chickens lay high-quality eggs or eggs with strong shells.

A good diet for Cinnamon Queen hens should have around 16% protein. Else, your chickens’ egg production will slow down if your birds don’t get sufficient protein. Although commercial layer feeds have protein, it is not enough to help Cinnamon Queen hens maintain high-egg production capabilities.

You need to supplement the layer feed with other protein sources. For instance, you can add mealworms to your birds’ diet since they pack plenty of protein. Dried mealworms are the best for Cinnamon Queen layers since it has 53% protein. Toss some mealworms in the coop for your flock to enjoy these protein-rich treats.

Young hens can also get loads of protein from fishmeal to lay more consistently and high-quality eggs. Young hens require more protein than older hens since young hens are at the peak of their egg production and need abundant protein.

Other protein-rich foods suitable for egg-laying Cinnamon Queen hens include pumpkin seeds, sprouted lentils, and sunflower seeds.

Protein isn’t only beneficial for Cinnamon Queen hens but also for baby chicks since protein enables baby chicks to grow feathers pretty fast after hatching. The more protein your baby chicks get, the faster they will grow feathers and muscle. Baby chicks need a grower feed with around 20% protein in the first couple of weeks. You can reduce the protein as the chicks continue growing.

Besides protein, Cinnamon Queen hens need calcium for high egg production. Both young and older Cinnamon Queen hens require a feed with between 2.5% and 3.5% calcium. Nonetheless, most commercial feeds don’t have such a percentage of calcium.

Therefore, adding calcium-rich foods to your hens’ diet will help make up for the missing calcium in the chicken feed. Some suitable calcium-rich foods to add to your layers’ diet include calcium grit, crushed eggshells, oyster shells, and limestone.

All Cinnamon Queen chickens need vitamins, and they can get plenty of it from leafy greens such as dandelions and kale.

Vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin C will help improve your chickens’ health. Besides food, your Cinnamon Queen chickens need freshwater, especially in the summer, lest they succumb to dehydration.

What Kind of Coop do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Need?

First off, Cinnamon Queen chickens are heavy birds, and therefore you need to keep this in mind while designing a coop for your chickens. The coop needs to give every chicken in the flock an ample room, preferably 20 square feet for each chicken. Inside the coop, there should be several nest boxes for egg-laying hens.

There should also be perches on which your chickens can roost at night. Considering your chickens will spend a considerable chunk of their lives in the coop, the coop has to be clean throughout.

It should also feel comfortable for your birds, and therefore having bedding inside will give your birds a comfortable place to live. Furthermore, the coop should have light since light affects chickens’ egg production, including Cinnamon Queen chickens.

Cinnamon Queen chickens don’t lay consistently during shorter winter days. Have some lights in the coop to increase daylight hours to help your hens keep laying in winter. Consider your area’s climate while selecting a coop for your Cinnamon Queen chickens.

For instance, if you come from a cold area, make sure the coop has the proper insulation to keep the coop warm. On the other hand, ensure the coop has excellent ventilation to prevent your chickens from experiencing heat stress.

What Health Problems Do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Have?

Anyone raising Cinnamon Queen chickens for years can confirm that these birds have fewer health problems than most breeds. After all, these chickens are pretty handy since they are a product of two hardy species.

However, these chickens grapple with a couple of health problems like any breed. Check some of the health problems your birds may encounter in their lives.

  • Although Cinnamon Queen chickens are high egg-production fowls, these chickens can suffer from reproductive cancer, egg binding, and internal laying.
  • The egg quality of these chickens can deteriorate as these chickens age.
  • Cinnamon Queen chickens can have a shorter lifespan. Most of these chickens will never live past three years.
  • Due to laying regularly, Cinnamon Queen hens can strain their reproductive tract over time, making them experience pain and discomfort, especially in their vet areas.
  • Hybrid breeds like Cinnamon Queen chickens lay every day, and therefore they need vast amounts of feed. These chickens are consequently at high risk of developing digestive problems due to consuming poor-quality feed.
  • Overcrowding and lack of water can subject your Cinnamon Queen chickens to heat stress, increasing their risk of death.

Besides these health problems, Cinnamon chickens are also vulnerable to diseases like Avian Influenza, Fowl Pox, Salmonellosis, and Coccidiosis.

While Cinnamon Queen chickens are disease-resistant, some can still succumb to common chicken diseases, especially baby chicks and younger birds. Vaccinating your birds is key to ensuring they don’t catch any of these diseases over time.

How Many Eggs do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Lay?

Talk of good layers, and you ultimately refer to Cinnamon Queen chickens. If the laying conditions are perfect for these chickens, they can yearly lay up to 300 eggs.

Besides laying such a high number of eggs, Cinnamon Queen chickens lay large brown eggs, while some hens can lay jumbo-sized brown eggs, especially at the start of their laying cycle.

Cinnamon Queen hens start laying at the age of 16 or 18-weeks old. The chickens will have a high egg production at the beginning of their laying cycle. Nonetheless, egg production plummets as the hens grow old.

Fortunately, these hens will remain dependable layers for over three years. Cold also affects egg production in Cinnamon Queen chickens. Hens are great mothers, although they often go broody.

Can You Eat Cinnamon Queen Chicken Eggs?

Yes, anyone can consume Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs. Besides boasting a striking appearance and a considerable size, these eggs are also healthy.

Due to their huge size, these eggs carry more yolk than ordinary eggs. Here is why you should consider consuming Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs.

  • They pack plenty of nutrients– These eggs are nutritionally-packed with nutrients, including Vitamins A, B12, B2, and B5. They also have loads of phosphorus, which promotes healthy teeth and bones. The Zinc in Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs will boost your immune system, while the calcium in these eggs will keep your bones strong. Most importantly, they have a high concentration of selenium, which is a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant.
  • They have good cholesterol– Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs are brown, and studies show that brown eggs have healthy cholesterol that lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • They will keep your stomach full for longer– Considering the massive size of these eggs; you don’t have to eat lots of eggs to feel full. A single egg is all it takes to keep your stomach full for longer, and therefore, you won’t have to overeat throughout the day.
  • They are suitable for your brain health– Cinnamon Queen chicken eggs are full of choline, a crucial mineral for good brain health. Choline helps regulate mood and memory. Clinical studies show choline is vital for improving verbal memory and cognitive function.

Are Cinnamon Queen Chickens Good for Meat?

People raise Cinnamon Queen chickens primarily for eggs. Nonetheless, Cinnamon Queen chickens are good for meat because of their compact and heavy bodies. Roosters are especially excellent meat producers.

With their massive size, roosters from this breed can produce large chunks of meat. Therefore, being dual-purpose birds, Cinnamon Queen chickens are good for meat as they are good layers. These birds have tasty meat which is tender and lean.

How Long do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Live?

Cinnamon Queen chickens can live for between 3 and 7 years on average. While living in ideal conditions, these chickens can live for close to a decade. These chickens can live longer than most hybrid breeds.

Although they are less likely to succumb to diseases, predators are the biggest threat to Cinnamon Queen chickens. Therefore, please don’t allow your free-range Cinnamon Queen chickens to wander too far from your yard lest they encounter predators.

To keep these birds away from predators, fix any loopholes predators can take advantage of to get to the birds while they are in the coop.

Are Cinnamon Queen Chickens Friendly?

Yes, Cinnamon Queen chickens are friendly birds. It is easy to tame these birds when you bring them home. They are docile, active, and happy birds. These birds get along with other birds.

They will never bully or fight other chickens in the flock, notwithstanding their huge, intimidating size.

Can Cinnamon Queen Chickens Get Wet?

Cinnamon Queen chickens withstand rain storms much better than other breeds. It isn’t unusual for your Cinnamon Queen chickens to stay out in the rain, especially while foraging. However, heavy rainstorms can make your chickens extremely wet.

However, wetness isn’t the best thing for chickens, especially if the weather is too cold and chickens can’t dry out fast. Unless you have a way of making your chickens dry, it is imperative not to allow them to get wet.

How Much Do Cinnamon Queen Chickens Cost?

Cinnamon Queen chickens are relatively cheaper hybrid birds. Day-old chicks usually cost between $3 and $ 5. Adult hens cost between $15 and 20 dollars, while roosters cost around $10 to $ 15.


Cinnamon Queen chickens are extraordinary dual-purpose hybrid chickens. They are exceptional layers, boasting unmatched egg-production capabilities. These chickens are easy-going, friendly, and easy to maintain.

Furthermore, they are highly disease and cold-resistant birds. If you want a hybrid breed that won’t disappoint, consider raising cinnamon Queen chickens.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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