Rooster Crowing – Everything You Need to Know
There are many sounds produced in the animal kingdom. Most of these sounds are accessible for people to recognize and understand, such as the meowing of a cat, barking of a dog, mooing of cattle, and even chirping of crickets.
However, many individuals do not comprehend the crowing of roosters despite being among the most widely known animals.
Every time a chicken hatches, half of the hatched chickens usually are roosters. Hens are appreciated for their eggs and their hatching process. On the other hand, roosters are very unpopular and are even banned in some cities due to their crowing.
Though roosters are essential and have much significance, their crowing noise seems to be the only trait that captures people’s attention.
Contrary to what most people think, roosters not only crow at sunrise but also during the day. Continue reading to find out everything you need to know about roosters crowing.
What does it Mean When a Rooster Crows?
It’s no secret; roosters crow a lot. They are loud and like letting everyone know of their presence in the neighborhood, which annoys many people.
However, this crowing is very important and typically has a meaning in the animal world, which is most of the time beyond human comprehension. According to experts, here are some things that a rooster’s crowing mean;
– They are making their territory.
From research, the ancestry of the chickens is the massive vegetated areas of the far eastern countries, for example, Thailand, China, and Myanmar. Due to the dense vegetation in the areas, the roosters could not see each other; therefore, they started crowing to warn others about their presence.
Chickens have excellent hearing skills, and therefore the repeated crowing would help them lay claim on their territory and warn the rivals to stay away. This way of operation has been in existence since then.
– They are indicating dominance.
Dominance is very critical when it comes to chickens. The most dominant is mostly the roosters, and even among the roosters, there is the most dominant one, which crows first. Though the lesser roosters typically have their internal clocks indicating they need to start crowing, they always have to wait for the lead rooster.
After the lead, it flows downhill according to the set pecking order, which usually indicates which rooster crows next, and then the rooster after that, until they have all sounded crowed.
– They are responding to the body clock.
According to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, roosters crow as a way of responding to their circadian rhythm clock, especially in the morning. Simply put, roosters have many testosterone spikes in the morning. They crow at daybreak as a way of indicating that they are getting energized, virulent and responding to sunlight.
– They are trying to keep their hens safe.
Though roosters mostly crow in the morning, they are also heard throughout the day. One of the reasons they may crow during the day is to offer protection for the hens, which are primarily vulnerable to predators. To do this, they usually keep the flock together and crow to warn them of any approaching danger.
– They are observing the mating ritual.
Roosters crow a lot after mating, and after a hen in its flock lays an egg. It is speculated that they crow to announce their fertility to the surrounding chickens and the nearby flock.
When do Roosters Crow?
Though known for their morning wake-up calls, roosters crow through the day or even night at times. From research, many roosters crow to respond to stimuli such as the sound of vehicles or changes in light intensity.
If the place they are staying always has lights on, for example, the streetlights, the rooster may crow throughout the night as they may confuse the light with the light experienced at dawn.
How Loud is the Rooster Crowing?
Roosters were considered to serve as alarm clocks before alarm clocks were invented, thanks to their loud enough crows. Similar to a dog’s bark, a rooster’s crow is about 90 decibels but can exceed up to 130 decibels for about 2 seconds. This intensity is 30 decibels higher compared to the clucking of hens and similar to the intensity of a taking-off jet at 15 meters away.
Considering things like cars (78-88 decibels) and loud music (96-100decibels), roosters are not that loud at all. However, it is essential to note that the loudness of the crow is affected by other factors. These factors include; your closeness to the rooster and the breed of the rooster.
At What Age do Roosters Start Crowing?
Juvenile cockerels will crow at different ages. However, generally speaking, most of them start at between 8 and 20 weeks. The crows may be rather pathetic and have funny sounds at first, but they get better at around four and five months.
In most cases, this is the crowing point at which you can definitively tell the sex of the chicken. It is essential to pay attention to your roosters to notice when they start crowing. This is because the first crows may be infrequent and may not resemble the average mature crow hence easy for you to fail to notice them.
What Makes a Rooster Crow All Day?
It is true that roosters crow throughout the day, not just in the morning. In fact, they crow about 12 to 15 times a day. Roosters use crowing during the day as a tool for many things. The most common is to indicate that their power is being threatened in one way or another. An example is when a dog is barking, or the radio is turned on.
They may also crow throughout the day after meals or even dust bathing. Please note that the crowing sounds usually are different throughout the day. For example, the morning crow is usually very loud and long, while the afternoon is slightly quiet and short.
Do Roosters Crow at Night?
It is not unusual to hear a rooster crowing at night. They can be so frequent and loud that it becomes almost impossible to sleep. Many things can lead to this, but the most common are;
- To indicate that dawn is near
- A response to nearby light
- Response to sensed danger or threat
- An indication of the rooster’s bread
How to Make a Rooster Crow?
Crowing is an instinctual behavior of a rooster. In the same way, you cannot make a chicken lay an egg; you cannot train or make a rooster crow.
The only option you have is to ensure that you meet all the needs of your rooster, especially those related to food, so that it’s able to grow healthy and reach the crowing stage faster.
Additionally, check on the breed of your rooster with the supplier. If it of the frizzled cochin bantams, it may not crow as the crow got bred out of most of the breed as the frizzled feathers got bred.
How to Stop an Annoying Rooster From Crowing?
It is not possible to silence your rooster’s crow without making a meal out of him. Nonetheless, you can decrease the volume of their signature sound through the following;
– Place a collar around his neck.
A rooster collar is a collar that acts to restrict airflow each time it attempts to crow. It is slightly tightly secured around the rooster’s neck, making the sound produced by the rooster slightly slower and quieter than usual. Alternatively, you can use a small dog collar which serves the purpose as well.
– Surgical Alterations
Though this is considered inhumane, you can take your rooster’s crowing to the extreme by enlisting veterinarians to perform surgery that permanently stops a rooster from crowing. Additionally, you can opt to take away your rooster’s manhood by taking away his manhood. The process involves a surgical procedure of removing his testicles, and this disables the rooster from crowing.
– Attend to the rooster
One of the reasons why a rooster crows is to communicate that he needs something, for example, water or food. Therefore, if you realize that your rooster is crowing too much, especially during the day, check the food and water supply and fill it up if low. Your rooster will be quieter!
– Have enough hens
It is advisable to ensure that you have the recommended 1:10 hen to roosters ratio. This will reduce competition and aggression among the roosters and ensure the safety of the hens.
To succeed in stopping your roosters from crowing, ensure that you examine the rooster’s behaviors. It will help you know whether their crowing pattern is typical or there are adjustments required.
It’s no lie that most of the time, owning a rooster is not a choice but an “oops, it’s a rooster.” However, roosters can be used to enhance your flock as they enhance security and ensure the continuity of your chicken through breeding.
Some roosters can indeed be annoying due to their frequent crowing and other unnecessary noises. However, understanding some of the critical points pointed above will make roosters keeping easy and enjoyable for you.