Why do Guinea Fowl Eggs Make You Sick?

While Guinea fowl eggs are rich in essential nutrients like protein, sodium, and calcium, some people can get sick after eating these eggs. Many reasons explain why Guinea fowl eggs can make you sick. For instance, you can fall ill if you are allergic to Guinea eggs. Eating stale Guinea fowl eggs can also make you sick.

You are Allergic to Guinea Fowl Eggs

Persons allergic to poultry eggs are likely to fall sick after consuming Guinea fowl eggs. Guinea fowl eggs are among the leading allergy-causing poultry eggs for children and adults.

Allergy symptoms are visible within a couple of hours after eating Guinea fowl eggs. These symptoms can be severe or mild depending on the individual who ate the Guinea fowl eggs.

Hives, skin rashes, and nasal congestion are the common allergy symptoms you will likely develop after eating Guinea fowl eggs. Other symptoms include digestive problems and vomiting. Guinea fowl egg allergy can start in infancy and proceed into adulthood.

Eggs are Infected with Salmonella

Some Guinea fowl hens, especially young hens that have just started laying, can lay in dirty places. Salmonella is a contagious bacteria that is prevalent in dirty areas. The bacteria can easily contaminate eggs shells from Guinea fowl eggs if hens lay in dirty places.

Fresh guinea fowl droppings can also harbor salmonella, which finds its way into the eggs when hens lay on areas with fresh droppings.

Keeping Guinea fowl eggs in colder temperatures of around 40 °F can stop salmonella from contaminating your Guinea fowl eggs. Furthermore, cook your eggs properly to kill the salmonella in the eggs if you suspect they could be harboring this bacteria.

It is pretty easy to tell whether you are falling sick because of eating Guinea fowl eggs with salmonella. Salmonella, for instance, causes food poisoning, fever, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

These symptoms can appear between 5 hours and five days after consuming contaminated Guinea fowl eggs. Furthermore, Salmonella can cause an infection that lasts several weeks after consuming contaminated Guinea fowl eggs.

You Used Dirty Eggs

Eating dirty Guinea fowl eggs can make you sick. Eggs from free-range Guinea fowl hens are dirtier than eggs from indoor hens. Dirty eggs harbor bacteria and pathogens that can make you ill.

For instance, dirty Guinea fowl eggs carry salmonella and other foodborne bacteria that can cause illness. Encourage your Guinea fowl hens to lay in clean places to prevent the eggs from getting dirty, ultimately exposing you to sickness.

You Ate Old and Bad Eggs

Old and rotten Guinea fowl eggs can also make you fall sick. Guinea fowl eggs are safe for consumption while they are still fresh. Keeping the eggs for too long, particularly in the wrong conditions, can stale the eggs.

Eating stale Guinea fowl eggs can cause food poisoning and stomach pain. In addition, stale eggs can cause diarrhea and vomiting. Even if you don’t keep Guinea fowls for eggs, ensure the Guinea fowl eggs you are purchasing aren’t too old and stale for consumption. Check these simple ways to tell whether Guinea fowl eggs are old and stale.

  • Check the Yolk Color –Checking the color of the Guinea fowl eggs’ yolk is the simplest way to detect whether the eggs are fresh or stale. Fresh yolk is yellow, while stale yolk is brown. Fresh yolk is also odorless, while stale yolk has a terrible smell.
  • Check the eggshells– A visual inspection can help you tell whether your Guinea fowl eggs are old or rotten without breaking the eggshells. Good Guinea fowl eggs have smooth shells and don’t have cracks. Bad Guinea fowl eggs have rough shells with a powdery appearance. Stale eggs also have cracked shells.
  • Do a float test– The float test offers the most accurate method of checking whether poultry eggs, including Guinea fowl eggs, are good or bad. To perform this test, place your Guinea eggs one by one in a bucket or bowl of water. If the egg sinks, then it is fresh and safe for consumption. If the eggs don’t sink, it is too old and possibly stale, and it will ultimately make you sick.

Are Guinea Fowl Eggs Safe to Eat?

Yes, Guinea fowl eggs are some of the safest poultry eggs to eat while fresh. Although Guinea eggs can cause allergies for people with egg allergies, they are still some of the most nutritious poultry for people who don’t have egg allergies. Although they are smaller than chicken and duck eggs, these eggs have loads of nutrients compared to chicken and duck eggs.

For instance, Guinea fowl eggs boast an incredibly high protein content. Therefore, these eggs are an excellent option for anyone seeking protein-rich foods to help them grow larger and lean muscle.

Guinea fowl eggs have more calcium than both chicken and duck eggs. These eggs are particularly suitable for persons with a calcium deficiency, which results in weak bones.

Guinea fowl eggs have little to no unhealthy fat, unlike chicken and duck eggs which have a high-fat content. Therefore, persons vulnerable to weight gain are less likely to put on more weight after eating Guinea fowl eggs.

Perhaps the best thing about Guinea fowl eggs that make these eggs safe for consumption is their low cholesterol levels. They have the lowest cholesterol levels of all the poultry eggs, making the eggs a treat for persons at high risk of getting heart disease.

How to Use Guinea Fowl Eggs?

The best and most straightforward way of using Guinea fowl eggs is eating the eggs. You can prepare the eggs for eating by either frying or boiling the eggs. Or, you can add Guinea fowl eggs to your recipes to make your meals tastier.

Other than eating Guinea fowl eggs, you can save the eggs for your Guinea fowl hens to hatch if you want to increase your Guinea fowl flock.


Guinea fowl eggs can make you sick for different reasons. However, the eggs still make some of the best poultry eggs for people who aren’t allergic to eggs. Furthermore, Guinea fowl eggs can be safe for anyone as long as the eggs are fresh and in good condition.

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Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. I've raised chickens and ducks for eggs and meat for many years. I also have experience with other poultry too. Learn more

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