Guinea Fowl Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs – What is the Difference?
Most poultry enthusiasts usually confuse different types of poultry eggs. For instance, some poultry owners confuse chicken eggs and Guinea fowl eggs. Although these eggs have a similar appearance, there are striking differences between these two types of poultry eggs. Chicken eggs are much larger than Guinea fowl eggs.
Are Guinea Fowl Eggs Edible?
Yes, Guinea fowl eggs are edible like other eggs from ducks and chickens. These eggs also have a variety of nutrients than other poultry eggs, despite being smaller than chicken and duck eggs.
Chicken Eggs vs Guinea Fowl Eggs
Many poultry owners keep wondering about the differences between chicken eggs and Guinea fowl eggs. After all, these eggs are pretty similar. There are a few differences, though. Kindly go through this detailed rundown of differences between chicken and Guinea fowl eggs.
– Size & Color
Chicken eggs are visibly larger than Guinea fowl eggs. On average, these eggs measure between 18 oz. and 21 oz. Some eggs from larger chicken breeds can be over 27 oz. The color of chicken eggs can vary depending on the chicken breed.
White hens, for instance, lay white eggs, while brown hens usually lay brown eggs. Chicken eggs’ color can be white, light brown, or brown. Some hens can lay eggs with a variety of shades and colors.
Chicken breeds such as the Easter Egger, Ameraucana, and the Araucana lay blue eggs. The shape of chicken eggs is also different from that of Guinea fowl eggs. Chicken eggs are less pointy than Guinea fowl eggs.
Guinea fowl eggs are much smaller than chicken eggs since they measure between 12 oz. and 18 oz. Some Guinea fowl hens can lay extra-large eggs measuring around 20 oz. Guinea fowl eggs are different from chicken eggs in terms of color. They can be light brown to brown with dark brown spots. Guinea fowl eggs are pointier at the ends than chicken eggs.
– Taste
Chicken eggs and Guinea fowl eggs taste quite different. Guinea fowl eggs, for instance, have a richer flavor than chicken eggs. The taste of chicken eggs can vary depending on a hen’s diet. Some chicken eggs taste creamier than others, particularly when hens eat a healthy diet. Hens that eat plenty of protein lay tastier eggs than hens that eat less protein.
Eggs from free-range Guinea fowls are extremely rich in flavor, possibly because free-range Guinea hens can pick on various foods, including insects. Wild Guinea fowls usually lay the tastiest eggs compared to captive Guinea fowls.
– Nutrition
Guinea fowl eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs from a nutritional perspective. The eggs are high in protein, and their yolks have plenty of potassium, iron, and sodium. The high potassium content in Guinea fowl eggs helps the body regulate muscle contractions, fluid balance, and nerve signals.
Persons with iron deficiency can get loads of iron from Guinea fowl eggs. Guinea fowl eggs are also rich in amino acids. Guinea fowl egg contains plenty of calcium, an essential mineral in bone development. They have less fat than chicken eggs. The eggs have little to no cholesterol, making them beneficial for persons with cardiovascular problems.
Besides, Guinea fowl eggs have huge vitamin E, vitamin D, and Vitamin B traces. Most importantly, Guinea fowl eggs are ideal for persons with egg allergies. Most health experts recommend these eggs for kids and adults with protracted illnesses due to their beneficial chemical composition.
Chicken eggs are also nutritious, although not as Guinea fowl eggs. They have a significant amount of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium. Furthermore, chicken eggs have huge traces of B vitamins compared to Guinea fowl eggs.
Chicken eggs further have a high concentration of choline, which is an essential nutrient in aiding cognitive function and memory. However, chicken eggs have more fat than Guinea fowl eggs. These eggs also have cholesterol, which increases your risk of heart disease if you consume plenty of eggs regularly.
– Price
The cost of chicken eggs and Guinea fowl eggs can be pretty different. Guinea fowl eggs are rare since not many poultry keepers keep Guinea fowls. Furthermore, Guinea fowl don’t frequently lay, unlike chickens. Their eggs are therefore more expensive than chicken eggs.
Guinea fowl eggs cost between $10 and $25, although depending on the Guinea fowl breed. Eggs from rare Guinea fowl breeds like Lavender and Sky Blue can sell for over $25. In addition, Guinea fowl eggs can be pricey in regions where there are fewer Guinea fowls.
Chicken eggs are perhaps the cheapest eggs of all the poultry eggs. A dozen of chicken eggs can cost as little as $5. Chicken eggs are also readily available compared to Guinea fowl eggs. Some unique and larger chicken eggs can cost more than the average eggs. Blue eggs, for instance, cost more than brown or yellow chicken eggs.
– Uses
Both chicken eggs and Guinea fowl eggs are good for consumption. Cardiology patients rely on Guinea fowl eggs for iron and potassium. Guinea fowl eggs are hypoallergenic eggs, which means they are suitable for almost everyone, including pregnant women, kids, and lactating mothers.
People with bone and joint diseases benefit from consuming Guinea fowl eggs. Some people crush and consume the shells from Guinea fowl eggs since eggshell powder contains around 25 beneficial chemicals.
For instance, the powder contains copper, manganese, zinc, and silicon. Many people also infuse their baked products with Guinea fowl eggs to give the products a pleasant taste.
Chicken eggs also have several uses. For instance, chicken eggs are a common ingredient in various dishes. Their sweet and savory taste makes them a worthy ingredient in most baked goods.
Persons suffering from terminal illnesses also benefit from eating chicken eggs since the eggs contain loads of vital nutrients that can help in recovery. In the beauty arena, chicken eggs make excellent skin-firming face masks. Chicken eggshell powder also makes good fertilizer for farming various plants, especially vegetables.
Guinea eggs and chicken eggs are the most popular types of poultry eggs. Although the two types of eggs have striking differences, they are all nutritious treats, with each type of egg providing an array of nutrients. Furthermore, they have less fat and cholesterol, unlike duck eggs.